Whats on my mind? Lately I have been hearing a lot about the - TopicsExpress


Whats on my mind? Lately I have been hearing a lot about the “Proverbs 31” woman being of class, style, jazz, fabulous, fierce…FYI RE-READ. The meaning of that passage is way beyond that. That passage speaks of a NOBLE CHARACTER….Character triumphs any physical attribution you can bring to a man. Many women focus on nails, hair, clothes, hand bags, shoes, but don’t even have a stock of toiletries for the month, laundry detergent on deck, a house so clean a man can eat off the floors….Ladies verse 15 reads SHE GETS UP WHILE IT IS NIGHT to ensure there is food in her house for the next day. Verse 16 reads SHE SETS ABOUT HER WORK VIGOROUSLY and HER ARMS ARE STRONG FOR HER TASKS, verse 27 reads SHE WATCHES OVER THE AFFAIRS OF HER HOUSEHOLD AND DOES NOT EAT THE BREAD OF IDLENESS verse 26 reads, WISDOM ROLLS OFF HER TONGUE (she’s not cursing her mate out when she’s upset) verse 9 reads SHE DEFENDS THE RIGHTS OF THE POOR AND NEEDY, last but not least verse 30 CHARM IS DECEPTIVE AND BEAUTY IS FLEETING, a wife of noble character who can find? She is worth farrrrrr more than rubies, hand bags, clothes, physical appearance, a big butt and beach bod, but one who loves God and respects her husband and her household far beyond measures, and will be consistent in displaying unconditional love. Last but not least, men before you run out and try to find a “basket ball wife” or Nicki Minaj, you may want to refer to the characteristics above before you scream from the roof tops there are no good women. Look beyond the eyes…. (drops mic)
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 19:58:16 +0000

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