Whats on my mind... Preperation for C-Day. JAMES: Alright - TopicsExpress


Whats on my mind... Preperation for C-Day. JAMES: Alright ladies! Did you gather all the materials I need to defeat Cupid, the devils spawn? NEMESIS: Yes, Boss. JAMES: Good. Calamity, you first. CALAMITY: I was able to obtain the Obsidian Rune Blade from the temple in India. JAMES: Good. Cupid is weak against Obsidian. Make sure you get that melted down and reforged. You have three days. Get to it! CALAMITY: Yes, sir! JAMES: Plum? Were you able to obtain the Holy Water of Guild De Sanz from the Vatican? PENELOPE: Yes. It wasnt easy. JAMES: How was it not? I called the Pope and told him that you were coming and to have it ready for you when you get there. PENELOPE: Well, he didnt tell Dan Brown! The guy had me going all around the place solving puzzles and shit just to let me know that it was at the front desk. Stupid author! JAMES: Thats fine. Calamity. Make sure Dan Brown is killed for his transgressions. CALAMITY: Hell lay next to Cupids corpse, sir. JAMES: Good. Beauty. What do you have for me? BEAUTY: Well, I was able to talk to the people down at N.A.S.A. and they said that youre going to have to be careful with their satellite. They said you still havent paid for the damages to the one you used last time when you tried to kill the Loch Ness Monster. JAMES: Fine!!! Calamity. Make sure I never pay N.A.S.A... for anything. CALAMITY: Yes, sir. Ill relocate your funds later on tonight. JAMES: Good. Nemy... please tell me they said yes? NEMESIS: Unfortunately, the people at M.I.6 will not be able to allow you to get a License to Kill without going through the testing and training. JAMES: Really? Really?! Well, that sucks! Umm... Calamity... CALAMITY: First thing tomorrow; bomb M.I.6 Headquarters. JAMES: And last but not least... Creed. Creed! CREED: Huh? JAMES: Dont huh me! Were you able to get it? CREED: Boss... you must think Im in the same league as David Guerrero. Of course I got it. JAMES: So... you were able to get the... Millennium Puzzle?!! CREED: Yep! Almost solved it, too! JAMES: Dont! It contains the spirit of a Nameless Pharoah. I may need his guidance and strength during the battle. Just leave the last piece for me, please. CREED: Ok! But you know what... the kid I killed to get it said the same thing; that his best friend was inside the puzzle. JAMES: What do you mean... killed?! CREED: Oh, when I went to ask him to let us borrow his puzzle, he was really adamant about holding on to it... JAMES: And! CREED: Well... I tried to explaim to him that WE only needed it to defeat the greatest threat to the universe since Paradox. He didnt understand what I was saying but he wouldnt let it go. JAMES: Then what?! CREED: I challenged him to a game of Duel Monsters, in the Shadow Realm mind you, Mind Controled his Dark Magician, summoned Wind up Magician, revealed Wind up Shark with three Wind up Factorys on board, went Leviathan Dragon, Shark Fortress, and Photon Papilloperative and swung in with 9500... Leviathan Dragon punching in twice. JAMES: No, no, of course. Well, at least we have the puzzle. Uh... Calamity, if you could... CALAMITY: Not a problem, Boss. Next week Monday, Ill get Clouds Phoenix Down and revive Yugi Muto. JAMES: Thank you so much, Calamity.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Feb 2014 00:14:52 +0000

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