Whats on my mind. These are just random thoughts that go through - TopicsExpress


Whats on my mind. These are just random thoughts that go through my mind. Some may seem morbid. Some are strange. Some are serious but this is just me or it could be what other patients may be thinking. The list is in no particular order. 1. There is never an hour of the day that goes by that I dont think of my friends that I have met in this cancer journey. 2. I cannot do this without God. He has kept me focused through both good and bad and has made everything good. 3. Everything is temporary. There is always bad times but they never last. As Kim says Tomorrow will be a better day. 4. Thinking about buying new shoes but these I have now may last me the rest of my life. 5. Keep the stool hardener and stool softener close by but dont ever get them mixed up! 6. I really do love my wife/caregiver even though she may not feel that I do at times. Read 3. 7. I wonder if I would have been better if I would have gone to the doctor sooner. 8. Can I get a handicap placard. I wouldnt use it unless I really needed it but then again if I really needed it I probably shouldnt even be there. 9. Will I ever be normal again? 10. How much longer do I have? 11. Cancer has many privileges. I was at Dillons in LR ordering luncheon meat from the deli. I had on my mask and chemo bag. I probably way too much ham for Kim and I. The lady who took my order patted me on the hand and said I gave you a little extra. 12. What needs to be done to the house so Kim wont have to worry about it? 13. I am so overwhelmed by the support of everyone and grateful. It keeps us going! 14. I love my LR family. Patients, caregivers, staff. They are all our friends. 15. I really do thank God for this journey and I wouldnt change a thing. 16. I dont like my body right now. 17. I want to beat this for God, my family and the UAMS staff. 18. I know there are people much worse than me. In fact I am pretty good. 19. I have many awesome friends. 20. I want to go fishing. There are so many other things but these are just a few for now. Life is good. 2 years ago I would never have guessed that I would be going through this. People say I shouldnt be going through this but I have never met anyone that should. I have never been angry once about going through this journey or ever asked Why me?. Our journey has been an open book and we wanted it that way from the beginning whether good or bad. We never expected the response that we have had from doing this. We thought it would be for our own personal journal. We sincerely love all of you and thank you so much for everything. 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal. Blessings and Shaka!!! \ooo/
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 13:04:42 +0000

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