Whats on my mind at the moment is who we are, why were are here, - TopicsExpress


Whats on my mind at the moment is who we are, why were are here, where we came from and for what purpose do we exist. I know, people have been asking that question for a very long time. Fortunately for me, I grew up around these super smart cousins, one in particular Hassan Sommons Sr. who taught me to not only question everything, but to try and find the answer if I could. And according to Hassan, the answer to everything is there, you just have to be diligent enough to find it. So, that idea never leaving me, throughout my life, I have had these moments of questioning. Sometimes, the answers are not that difficult to find and I find myself feeling rather perturbed at myself for having not searched sooner. Other times, I find myself growing weary and having to lay to rest momentarily, the search for what somewhere deep inside me (thanks Hassan), I know HAS to be there. The answer. Indeed there have been times in my life that when finding the answer to a question came with much disdain on my part, having wanted the answer to be VERY different than what it actually proved to be. But, the truth does indeed set one free, even if that freedom is to simply move on to the next quest for knowledge and information. Having the day off from work, I find myself again for what must be the gazillionth time in my life, pondering the universe, my belief system, the very existence of everything and without fail, the PURPOSE of it all. I came to accept many of the answers provided through education provided both in an academic setting and through my seemingly endless hours spent reading and scouring the internet. I even believe in the Big Bang theory, something which causes many of my fellow Christians and other dogmatic participants to look at me with that Dr. McCoy/Mr. Spock cocked eyebrow glare. Science has successfully proven (in my opinion) that the Big Bang definitely happened. What it has not proven, is why it did and who or what made it happen. So far, for me the only thing that makes since is my belief in a higher source of intelligence. That source for me is YAHWEH, GOD etc. Anyway, as the day progressed and I did the typical reading, sleeping (when Im in this frame of mind, the thought process continues in my sleep, manifesting itself in dreams. WEIRD dreams), trolling the internet and praying (not necessarily in that order), I came across a documentary on Youtube that Id watched before, but this time I got yet another sense of enlightenment from it. These epiphanies (if you would), come often, VERY often from the same source (usually the scriptures) over and over, but bring different thoughts, answers and imaginings over time. Im going to post it here, hoping that someone with the bane of being eternally inquisitive in the area of our existence, space, time, divinity etc. will be able to glean from it something that might prove progressive in the journey to know. I do believe that ultimately there are things we/I just WONT know until its over :) Enjoy https://youtube/watch?v=ZS1x-6al2pE
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 01:47:44 +0000

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