Whats on my mind, meme-ories.. this was an exercise, conducted - TopicsExpress


Whats on my mind, meme-ories.. this was an exercise, conducted 200 metres from the incident ..today..about 1 year ago..there have been at least three exercises involving Martin Place.. Why are we conducting exercises,involving terrorists, without the public being informed? And why does the terrorist, attack a place where ALL the exercises to DEFEND...Sydney had been performed? To question isnt crazy, it is really normal,and without answers.. it creates more questions.. The budget is due today,apparently very bad,[not reported] the prime min-ster, has all time lowest approval rating..and the economy is the worst it has been, and people are about to go on the christmas break, and funnily enough, so are all the politicians, that vote on laws to be passed..? 1., Will a host of new laws, restricting our movements be passed speedily through the unoccupied parliaments? 2. Muslims be retargeted as the old new enemy 3. Will the press after being against racial vilification regarding Muslims now retarget Muslims, after formerly, stopping RV, then implementing it again, then stopping it..? 4. Will the press stay on this event for weeks, completely forgetting how bad budget / is..? Will the Prime Min-ster, step forward and say People of Australia, [concerned,righteous, worried look] certain people want to destroy our way of life, todays events in our beautiful city, Sydney, was a terrifying event, terrifying for everyone, this is why we have made these laws, and now due to this terrorism, and extreme danger that the people of Sydney and Australia, and really, people of the World were subjected,to, because Sydney was full of tourists, a terrifying prospect for overseas vistors to our beautiful peaceful country.. I, as your elected representative have enacted new laws, that will stop this happening again..Even though it is almost christmas, we will pass new laws to ensure your security, that this will never happen again. Parliament is in recess, but as, this is an emergency situation requiring urgent action, my collegues and I have enacted new laws, that, I guarantee, will protect your loved ones from anyone in the near or future, who feel to enact violence on this peaceful, generous nation. May god protect you in this dangerous time, and I will do my utmost to protect you and your loved ones this ..christmas.. I would like to thank the Special forces, Police and all our emergency personel, for their bravery, and response to this terrifying event.. Thank god, no one was hurt, and this was really due to our incredible response teams.. again, thankyou, and may god, be with you.. Thankyou.. [1913, the federal reserve act was passed, when the entire congress was on christmas break, Christmas eve, creating the private federal reserve system..?, you might want to look up operation Gladio, for some light reading..and a couple of other simi-liar memessss], lalalalalalalalallaaaaa..might be time to wake up.. dailytelegraph.au/australian-defence-force-counter-terrorism-operation-halts-sydney-cbd/story-e6freuy9-1226633535675
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 11:13:58 +0000

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