Whats so special about Plexus?? I want to take a moment today to - TopicsExpress


Whats so special about Plexus?? I want to take a moment today to educate my NON-Plexus customers and those of you who have seen Plexus and wondered, whats so special about our products? When people begin looking for ways to improve their health, it can be a very daunting task. There are many costly diets and fads out there that promise overnight success. That is NOT Plexus. You WILL NOT lose 20 lbs in 1 day. However, Plexus provides a solution for you whether you are looking to manage your weight effectively, support your body, or fill a nutritional gap. Our products wont break the bank and WILL help you reach your health and nutritional goals. Heres what we have available to assist you and your family reach your specific health goals. (Enjoy my narration) 1. Breast Health Kit - Its patented construction helps create Sensory Touch Magnification which greatly improves your monthly breast self-examinations. Ladies, you are checking every month, arent you? With this breast health kit, you can feel something even as small as a grain of salt. Its amazing. Bet you didnt even know we had a breast health product, did you? All of my breast cancer survivor friends this one should be ON YOUR PRODUCT LIST and you should pass it on for sure. 2. Vitamins- Not just ANY vitamin. Our XFactor vitamin is our turbo-charged daily multivitamin and anti-oxidant. Nowhere else will you find this mixture of patented Aloe blend, New Zealand Blackcurrant and vitamins. ONLY PLEXUS offers this unique, patented Aloe Leaf gel with smartly delivers polysaccharide nutrients. Aloe reduces inflammation. It helps you absorb your nutrients better as well. You arent going to just pee out this vitamin. It will actually absorb. On a side note your hair and nail salon will LOVE YOU because you will be visiting them way more often because your hair and nails grow INSANELY fast on on this product. (P.S. If you ladies are getting your hair and nails done you can definitely afford Plexus products). We also have XFactor Family Chewable vitamins for the kiddos. Its a yummy berry flavor that kids will love. 3. Fast Relief Cream/Capsules & Fast Relief Nerve Health Support- If you have occasional pain or long term pain, we have the answer. Our Fast Relief line of products are exceptionally fantastic at aiding in pain relief. Let me tell you real quick how awesome our nerve health support capsules are too. They actually help REGROW damaged nerves. So, if you have an auto-immune disease where nerve damage has occurred and you have symptoms that include pain, numbness, tingling or pins and needles sensations this may help relieve that discomfort for you. I cannot tell you how many testimonies I have personally witnessed where these products have literally given people their lives back and their range of motion free from pain. If these conditions describe you or someone you love PLEASE GET THE INFORMATION ABOUT THESE PRODUCTS IN THEIR HANDS. 4. ProBio5 and Bio Cleanse- Do you poop regularly? And by that I mean at least once a day? If not, YOU NEED TO for your digestive system to be running optimally. Otherwise you are unbalanced and your overall health could be in jeopardy. The Bio Cleanse is a gentle daily cleanse. You wont be in the bathroom all day like youve had a laxative/suppository. This product actually oxygenates your body. Did you know that it is difficult for cancer to grow in an oxygenated environment? Google it, if you dont believe me. Our ProBio5 is the companion to our Bio Cleanse it actually assists in balancing candida/yeast overgrowth in your colon/intestines. Why is this important? 70+% of your bodys immune system comes from your colon. Yes, you read that correctly. If your colon aint happy, aint nobody happy. If you have an imbalance of candida/yeast in your colon then your bodys immune system is compromised. Everyone knows that when your immune system is compromised your ability to fight off disease is compromised. So, we have to put back into our bodies a probiotic that aids in generating a healthy intestinal flora. Think flowers instead of mushrooms in the colon. You catch my drift? EVERYONE NEEDS THIS. I DONT CARE WHO YOU ARE. You would not believe all of the things that a person is prone to when they do not have a healthy gut. These products will do amazing wonders in helping your body regain a balance from the inside out. This is NOT a Plexus thing. If you dont believe me, Google: Candida overgrowth symptoms and Candida die off symptoms. Then contact me to get started on our ProBio5 & Bio Cleanse. You will thank me. 5. Plexus Body Cream- Is a unique skin renewing cream with Spirulina Algae and Activated Charcoal. It aids in removing impurities from the skin. A little goes a long way. I have seen sunburns eradicated by using this cream, skin tags disappear from using this cream, etc. This has worked wonders on my sons poison ivy and insect bites. Its also an all around great cream to use daily on your entire body. Including your face. 6. Plexus Slim- THE Pink Drink our most heard about product. Originally developed for diabetics, it is the most natural way to assist you in reaching your long term weight loss goals. You mix one little berry-flavored packet with water ONCE A DAY and drink it. It enters your body and balances your blood sugar levels. Once your blood sugars are leveled, you no longer crave sugary foods or carbs. This helps you make wise food decisions. As a result, your body naturally will lose lbs and inches. Plexus Slim burns fat, not muscle so you will most likely experience a reduction in inches as well as lbs. Each persons body is different and will lose at their own pace. Not only does Plexus Slim aid in balancing blood sugars it also helps maintain healthy cholesterol and lipid levels. 7. Boost & Accelerator+ - Boost is NOT the nutritional meal supplement/replacement that you see sold in some grocery stores. That is for those who need additional nutrients that they arent able or cannot get from traditional food. OUR Boost is a capsule that, when taken in addition to Plexus Slim, may aid in helping you reach your weight loss goals. It aids in increased energy by working thermogenically with your body. Accelerator + is a capsule that helps amplify the metabolic process in the body that have become sluggish. I do NOT recommend taking these product is you have high blood pressure or a heart condition without checking with your Doctor first. 8. Block - This product is a carb blocker, and it is our newest product. Block prevents the absorption of EXCESS carbohydrates by up to 48%. It helps reduce the glycemic index of ingested foods and inhibits the enzymes that convert starches to glucose, slowing the conversion of glucose to fat. Block is ideal for people who love carbs and have a hard time passing up the pasta and the chips and the donuts and the bread….you get the idea. Finally, if you have read this far you are at least somewhat interested in what we have to offer. Hopefully my narration has given you some sense of the vast array of products Plexus offers that you may not have been aware of. We truly do have something for everyone. I would love to answer any questions you may have about any of our products. I am not asking you to join my team, sell anything or become some big sales guru....UNLESS you want to ;) Im simply asking that you give Plexus products a fair look if you havent already. Or maybe you have and for some reason you quit. I welcome you back to try again. As you know, I dont share anything I dont believe in personally. These products WORK! Let them work for you. Message me privately or comment below if I can assist you. As always, I must put in this disclaimer: It is always important to consult your Doctor before starting any product. I can provide you with the ingredients list for ANY OF OUR PRODUCTS for you to examine yourself or show your Doctor. What would it take for you to try something new? Full 60 day money back guarantee! I want everyone to feel like I do!!! Message ME!! :) xoxo, K
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 03:45:10 +0000

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