Whats the Scottish referendum REALLY all about Well, Ill - TopicsExpress


Whats the Scottish referendum REALLY all about Well, Ill explain it to you since no newspaper or politicians will dare tell you the truth Scotland and its people have already been sold off to the ECB. The Scottish people will in future be the surety, collateral and security interest for ECB created debt money. The central bankers have transferred ownership of Scotland from the BoE to the ECB. YouGov, the polling organisation publishing voting statistics for the Scottish referendum is owned by Peter Kellner, husband of Cathy Ashton. The whole election is rigged. If by some chance, Salmond loses, the financial elite will just make the Scottish people vote again until they give the correct answer, like they did with the Irish, but I dont think this will be necessary. The Royals and the British political establishment are complicit in the EU conspiracy to break up the United Kingdom and sell it off in pieces. They have been working towards this goal of destroying the UK for decades and their mission is well on the way to being accomplished. Scotland will eventually become part of a Scandanavian bloc of EU regions. This process will continue with London and the SE becoming subsumed into the La Manche EU region. This process has been underway for some time and the EU has even published maps of how the European nations will be broken up and reformed into new EU regions across the old national boundaries. The Bank of England has already warned the Scotish people that they cant keep Sterling but thats just a red herring because Scotland will be fast tracked ihto the EU and the Euro, despite protestations to the contrary. Thereby, the EU will gain its D-Day foothold on UK territory. Meanwhile, the quisling traitors in Westminster are all of sudden feigning faux concern that the UK is disintegrating when they that been working behind the scenes for decades to destroy our nation. The Queen is saying its none of her business to interfere but the Royals are as much part of the plot to break up the UK as the political class. Im just curious to know how the Scottish nationalists will react when they twig they have been sold out by Salmond, sold like cattle from one soft dictatorship to the EU. I suspect there is going to be chaos. Meanwhile, Cameron, Clegg and Miliband, the Troika of Traitors have been despatched to Scotland where they will probably do more damage to the unionist cause than if they just stayed in Westminster Traitorous filth, all of them. So says Matt Myers, the Oracle
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 19:27:13 +0000

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