Whats this I hear, satan saying,: IS SIR BRIAN DESPERATE FOR A - TopicsExpress


Whats this I hear, satan saying,: IS SIR BRIAN DESPERATE FOR A WOMAN? No need for a pic. Just straight up truth. Over the year that Ive been on fb, I have enjoyed it. I post everything from movie reviews, jokes, pics, posters, and motivation, BKWisms, messages and teachings from A to Z. A lot on relationships. Subjects like celibacy or making love. Always Biblical. Heart rending and tear jerking at times. I know, because, I am moved when I write them. Ive received great response and accolades. People are blessed. Thank the Lord. I am humbled by their support. In the midst of that, I have consistently heard, a few loved ones and hatas say, when, I post on relationship I sound Desperate! I have heard this too often from several to dismiss it. I just want to address once again. If I RELEASED THE females that LIKED me or CLAIM THEY LOVE ME, to post their pictures or post why they believe I am THEIR GOD SEND, you would think twice about calling me desperate. I HAVE CHOSEN TO BE ALONE!!!! THEY are super fine, established, supportive, and, IT IS SAFE TO SAY, would marry me, before, I could finish this post. If that sounds proud, then, Who gives a poo poo. I said it! I write on relationships often. WHY? BECAUSE, its been an integral part of my ministry, since THREE DECADES in the beginning. I was married 27 years. Ive got something to say. Tell Steve Harvey to stop his show, because he got a divorce. Oh thats right, The WORLD LOVES ITS OWN. We kill ours. I had a relationship after marriage too. And, it was blessed. And IF I WANTED too, I could have been married again. It was not to be. But DESPERATE? Please !!! I write on women, men, relationship, and marriage for three reasons. ONE: Soo, I can TELL PEOPLE BASED ON MY KNOWLEDGE and walk with God about life. TWO: Secondly, I write, because, I touch hearts with Gods heart. Their love lives are BROKEN, or they are alone. My posts are NOT about me. Just last week someone accused me of posting something because, someone else, posted something. I asked TO STOP BEING OBCESSED WITH ME. I CAME very close to blocking them. But, I know they meant no harm. They are THINKING they are on some inside track, and they are WRONG! ! I DONT EVER LOOK AT THEIR PAGE, because most of their posts, are not bad, just, are not what I feed off. I fint care where you ate, or your copies of someone elses words. Etc.. Period. Wrong again. THREE: Thirdly, I save every posts. I have THREE books ready to go. Soo, when, you think I AM DESPERATE, I am compiling modern day, Solomonic, material. SELAH. I MAY ALSO, have fat pockets soon. IF you are still reading this, Finally, I apologize for this, if you perceive it as proud, defensive, or a rant... It is me, Not letting my good be evil spoken of!!! For the RECORD, I am UN-OFFICIALLY in a committed relationship with a beautiful woman after Gods heart. She is 100% what I am ready to receive. I closed the door to others and I BELIEVE THE WOMAN I DREAMED HAS APPEARED. If Im wrong, then, we will keep on truckin. THERE ARE NO UNHOLY SOUL TIES PERIOD!! And, shes SUPER FINE, inside and out. She and I ARE THE BEST OF FRIENDS. We are compatible. Does THAT SOUND DESPERATE. If I showed her picture, you would never think that!!! We discuss GOD often. Marriage occasionally. She is off the charts spiritual, intelligent, articulate and gorgeous and Prophets are saying, they SEE A WEDDING!!!! No, dear heart, Im not DESPERATE, I AM BRIAN KEITH WILLIAMS. If that sounds vain, then, ONCE MORE, I am fulfilled, my declarations worked. My prayers were answered . AND....drum roll... I HAVE JUST ABOUT FINALIZED MY DECISION. If I posted her picture, you would never call this Apostle, Writer, Relationship Teacher, DESPERATE AGAIN. Heres the truth. I AM DESPERATE for you, to stop judging my posts, and stabbing me in my back. IN JESUS NAME! I am DESPERATE FOR THE GLORY. Loveeee you, Sir Brian.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 19:55:25 +0000

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