Whats up yall! What a bunch of blessings and opportunities our - TopicsExpress


Whats up yall! What a bunch of blessings and opportunities our Heavenly Father keep providing us recently :) Thank you everyone who attended AGM :D Your support is very much appreciated at this time of busy-ness and stress. And of course how could we forget those who have decided to make a commitment to Christ! Will continue to pray for all of you to live a life that reflects Gods character and glorifies Him :) And we have the blessing of being able to study together :) It is happening next week YAY!!! Deatils are as follows: WHEN: Monday 10th November from 9-6 HOWEVER from 3-4pm the room will not be available so Zoe and I decided we should buy early dinner and hang out somewhere near. Then we go back to hitting the books energized and stuff :) WHERE: MUSE L1 103 (map provided with credits to Morgan and Zoë) WHAT TO BRING: YOURSELVES, necessities to survive studying, snacks (they work :D), Bible (it will come in handy :) ), friends! we welcome everyone the saying goes the more the merrier WHY: Well you need a place to study, God has provided one for us so why not :) We are here to help each other, catch up with each other and chat and decrease the amount of stress as much as possible :) HELPERS ARE AS FOLLOWS (THANK YOU ALL and if you want to help, message me plz :) ) Matthew Tong: Doing psychology and education Morgan Ho: Psychology and health (human science stuff) Zoe Zhao: Speech and Hearing Sciences (so mostly Linguistic and Psychology units) Alex: Accounting literally YEARS of accounting Andrew: Mathematical subjects but only available after 6pm for BOTH Me: Early childhood education subjects. Philippians 2:1-3 So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Thats a wrap! Please come if you can. I am happy to see you because all of You are my sunshine, you make me happy, when skies are grey... Ill leave the rest to you :) I miss you all already and I only saw you yesterday :( So yeah....If you can stay for a while awesome, but if you want to just drop in and say hi thats awesome as well! God bless you all and pray that the message of the Lord will dwell in you all tomorrow :) Remember studying is a way of glorifying God
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 10:07:58 +0000

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