Whats wrong with ANGER?? I always see a lot of FB posts about - TopicsExpress


Whats wrong with ANGER?? I always see a lot of FB posts about being positive, maintaining a good attitude, and not dwelling on negative thoughts. Anger in general, as well as displaying anger, or experiencing the emotion of anger is most often regarded as an unproductive and/or destructive behavior/emotion. We are often taught to set aside our anger and to not allow ourselves to feel this emotion. I however, when experiencing anger (as today, lol!) prefer to utilize this emotion rather than suppress it. Anger is a natural emotion, built into our DNA that has as a functional value for survivial: the fight-or-flight response. While uncontrolled anger can lead to negative consequences, a controlled anger response can actually serve us positively, should we choose to harness its power. Today, I utilized the increased hormone release caused by anger to fuel a really great workout. Im sure most of us have experienced the increased strength and power when angry. However, did you know that the outward physical expression of anger can lead to other positives and is often used for personal gain? Studies have shown that anger can be used as a social influence for goal achievement. Showing anger during a negotiation can actually increase your ability to succeed. In addition, those displaying angry facial expressions have been found to be perceived as powerful and in a higher social position. Im not saying to give into uncontrolled anger or rage, which are very different levels of the emotion and result from a lack of control and poor decision-making. However, I am saying that anger as an emotion in general, can be quite productive and should not be dismissed or suppressed. I know that my house has never been cleaner than when Im angry! Lol! So, the next time you experience anger, decide if youre going to let yourself harness the power behind this very natural and strong emotion! Have a great day!!
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 17:52:01 +0000

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