Whats your life telling you!!! From our mate craig Right now, - TopicsExpress


Whats your life telling you!!! From our mate craig Right now, your life is telling you something. Results, feedback and information. That’s what your life is constantly giving you. Know it or not, want it or not, your life is always trying to teach you something. About you. Your choices. Behaviours. Attitude. Habits. Relationships. Results. Like me, your life is sending you a never-ending series of messages. Day after day. Valuable information that you may or may not acknowledge. Or do something with. Lessons that you can grow from. If you allow that to happen. Insights that you may or may not benefit from depending on what you do or don’t do with them. Correction and reflection that can change your reality if you’re courageous and humble enough to acknowledge your flaws and mistakes. And wisdom that can guide, heal and even save you, if you pay attention and allow it to. I’ve always believed that there’s more wisdom, insight and instruction to be found in your day to day experiences and results than you will ever find in any book. Yep, even mine. But you must pay attention. You must be conscious. You’ll see and learn nothing with your eyes and mind closed. And because it’s your life that’s providing the information, wisdom, insight and instruction that I speak of, it’s all totally specific to you. Ain’t no book gonna give you that! And yes, I might be doing myself out of a few book sales but at least I’m living in alignment and sharing, what I believe to be, the truth. Your greatest resource will always be you because you are the decision-maker, action-taker, solution-finder and reality-creator for your life. As I am for mine. Want it or not, like it or not, your body, career, finances, friendships, intimate relationships and day to day experiences and results are all telling you something. Many things, in fact. If you’re tired of going around in circles and living in your own version of Groundhog Day, then pay attention to your inner intelligence (it’s there), be courageous, make the hard decisions and choose to live a more conscious and authentic life. Your best life. Not Oprah’s, Tony’s, Deepak’s or even mine (yep, same breath), no, yours. The lessons are all around you. Maybe it’s time to pay attention Time to listen to YOU more!! This starts with sending time on yourself!! Join the Amazing PEAK team & experience that!! Want to slow down? Try YOGA. Saturday @ 8.30am or Kids YOGA- Mon & wed @ 9.15am
Posted on: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 21:07:31 +0000

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