Whats your version of pain? Is it how you look naked, having to - TopicsExpress


Whats your version of pain? Is it how you look naked, having to shop for clothes in the fatties section, feeling like an oompahloompah at the beach (if youre brave enough to go in the first place) Is it the looks people give you when youre eating in public, the way your zipper is harder to fasten, the snide comments of friends? Or is pain something your body goes through during a hard workout? Is that the pain that really hurts? I know which one I now prefer, pain can be mental and physical but I have found the physical side can be overcome, is it really pain or are you just giving up because its uncomfortable? How many times have you started an exercise routine only to give up because it hurts too much, your body doesnt like it, youre stiff and sore? Yesterday was bloody leg day, for some reason everyone groans at the thought lol, ill give you an example of our sessions: We start with the leg press (thats where youre vertical on a low seat with legs raised above your head pressing a weight platform) Our starting weight was 60kg, pretty low but wait for it! We did sets of ten with added increase of weights of 20kg per set until we reached 120kg, then three more sets of ten reducing 20kg per set, this was followed by lunging the floor of the gym, back to leg press doing first 20 sets of 60kg then 30,40,50 sets with lunges in between, a killer! After this we hopped on the bikes doing 30 second sprints with a minute of normal peddling break, dont ask me how long this went lol! Followed by 50 squats and then bouncing a medicine ball as hard as you can raising your arms above your head with each bounce for a minute (seems like an hour) I dont remember how long this was either. Then onto triceps...about 15 mins worth and onto the floor for abs workout. These sessions take over an hour all up, I sweat bucketsful and today im walking like a cowboy! Sure im sore and stiff even after doing this for over 3 months, it never gets easier if your trainer knows what theyre doing but is it pain? Now during a workout when im becoming uncomfortable I dont think of how my body hurts, I think of the results im getting, the weight loss and the incredible feeling of satisfaction I get knowing my hard work is finally starting to show, pain can go bite my ass!
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 01:56:32 +0000

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