Whatsapp chat between Oscar Pistorius and Reeva Steenkamp - 11 - TopicsExpress


Whatsapp chat between Oscar Pistorius and Reeva Steenkamp - 11 January 2013: OP: Angel, please dont tell anyone. Darren told everyone that it was his fault. I cant afford for that to come out. The guys promised not to say anything. RS: I have no idea what youre talking about:) But thank you for telling me, I appreciate it. Whatsapp chat between Oscar Pistorius and Reeva Steenkamp, 19 January 2013: RS: Baba? OP: Yes? RS: There are a lot of things that that could make us feel like sh**. Im just very honest. I wont always think before I say something. Just appreciate Im not a liar. OP: I know. It was just when you got back from Tropica, you made it sound like you had only smoked weed once, and then last night that came out. I dont know how many times you took, or if you took other things or what you took when you were gone then. RS: Im sorry if it upset you. It wasnt my intention. OP: I do appreciate it. Could never be with someone that was. RS: Me neither. RS: Its like I see rabbit things in your house, and when we go places, you take pics of them everywhere. Im thinking: who do you have that connection with? And the same things will play on your mind. At the end of the day, this is now, not then. RS: I wasnt a stripper or ho. RS: I certainly have never been a prude, and I have had fun, but all innocent and without harmful repercussions. Whatsapp message from Reeva Steenkamp to Oscar Pistorius, 27 January 2013, 16:17: Im not 100% sure why Im sitting down to type a message first, but perhaps it says a lot whats going on here. Today was one of my best friends engagements, and I wanted to stay longer. I was enjoying myself, but its over now. You have picked on me incessantly since you got back from CT, and I understand that you are sick, but its nasty. Yesterday wasnt nice for either of us, but we managed to pull through and communicate well enough to show our care for each other is greater than the drama that attacked us. I was not flirting with anyone today. I feel sick that you suggested that and that you made a scene at the table and made us leave early. Im terribly disappointed in how the day ended and how you left me. We are living a double-standard relationship, where you get mad about how I deal with stuff, when you are very quick to act cold and off-ish, when you arent happy. Every five seconds I hear about how you dated another chick. You really have dated a lot of people. Yet you get upset if I mention one funny story with a long-term boyfriend. I do everything to make you happy and to not say anything to rock the boat with you. You do everything to throw tantrums in front of people. I have been upset by you for two days now. Im so upset I left Darrens party early. So upset. I cant get that day back. Im scared of you sometimes and how you snap at me and of how you will react to me. You make me happy 90% of the time and I think we are amazing together but I am not some other b***h, you know, trying to kill your vibe. Im the girl who let go with you, even when I was scared out of my mind. Im the girl who fell in love with you and wanted to tell you this weekend. But, Im also the girl who gets side-stepped when you are in a s*** mood. When I feel you think you have me, so why try anymore. I get snapped at and told that my accent and voices are annoying. I touch your neck to show you I care. You tell me to stop. Stop chewing gum. Do this. Dont do that. You dont want to hear stuff. Cut me off. Your endorsements. Your reputation. Your impression of someone innocent blown out of proportion and f****d up a special day for me. Im sorry if you truly felt I was hitting on my friend, Sams, husband. And Im sorry that you think that little of me. From the outside, I think it looks like we are a struggle and maybe thats what we are. I just want to love and be loved. Be happy and make someone so happy. Maybe we cant do that for each other, because right now I know you are unhappy, and Im certainly very unhappy and sad. Oscar Pistorius to Reeva Steenkamp, 27 January 2013, 17:01: I want to talk to you. I want to sort this out. I dont want to have anything less than amazing for you and I. Im sorry for the things I say without thinking and for taking offence to some of your actions. The fact that I am tired and sick isnt an excuse. I was upset that you just left me after we got food, to go talk to a guy, and I was standing tight (sic) behind you, watching you touch his arm and ignore me. And when I spoke up, you introduced me, which you could have done, but when I left, you just kept on chatting to him, when clearly I was upset. I asked Martin to put on that Kendrick Lamar album in the car, and dont know it. Granted, that was a s*** song, but you should have just leant forward and whispered in my ear to change it, seeing I had to drive to pick up your friend. I was 30 minutes late and I know you dont like it when I drive fast, but then you could have asked Gina to drive herself, so that we wouldnt have to. When we left, I was starving. When we left, the only food I had had was a tiny wrap and everyone was leaving for lunch. Im sorry I wanted to go but I was hungry and upset and although you knew it, it wasnt like you came to chat to me when I left the table. I was upset when I left you, coz (sic), I thought you were coming to me. Im sorry I asked you to stop tapping my neck. I know you were just trying to show me love. I had a mad headache and should have just spoken to you softly. Im sorry for asking you not to put on an accent last night - [I felt] pretty much the same, and didnt have the energy. Reeva Steenkamp to Oscar Pistorius, 08 February 2013, 00:09: I like to believe that I made you proud when I attend these kind of functions with you. I present myself well and can converse with others while you are off busy chatting to fans and friends. I also knew people there tonight, and whilst you were having one or two pictures taken, I was also saying goodbye to people in my industry and people wanted a photo with me. I was just being cordial by saying goodbye while you were busy. I completely understood your desperation to leave, and thought I would be helping you by getting to the Exit before you because I couldnt rush on the heels I was wearing. I thought it would make a difference in us getting out, without you being harassed even more. I didnt think you would criticize me for doing that, especially not so loudly so that others could hear. I might joke around and be all tomboy-ish at times, but I regard myself as a lady and I didnt feel like one tonight, after the way you treated me when we left. Im a person too. And I appreciate that you invited me out tonight and I realise that you get harassed, but I am trying my best to make you happy and I feel as though you sometimes never are, no matter the effort I put in. I cant be attacked by outsiders for dating you and be attacked by you, the one person I deserve protection from.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 05:34:22 +0000

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