What’s Going On In Families That Scapegoat Families that are - TopicsExpress


What’s Going On In Families That Scapegoat Families that are shame or fear based are not healthy. Often in these families you will find evidence of abuse, neglect, addiction, betrayal, mental illness and insecurity. Dysfunctional families either lack insight or find it threatening, and actively repress it through scapegoating those who want to understand and change negative dynamics. Scapegoating is a “projection defense” that allows scapegoaters to keep up appearances. In other words, by making the scapegoat look bad, it takes attention off the real problem. Many families who resort to scapegoating are headed by narcissistic parents who lack personal awareness, and empathy for their target, as in their eyes, the target is there to serve their false image. So the purpose of scapegoating is to allow families to carry on unhealthy behavior patterns, and maintain myth of normalcy, without having to look inward or take responsibility for a toxic environment. To the outside observer – and possibly the Scapegoat – these families seem crazy making and delusional. - See more at: glynissherwood/blog/12-steps-to-breaking-free-from-being-the-family-scapegoat#sthash.W1iLoEIR.dpuf
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 00:02:27 +0000

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