What’s Holding You Hostage? That is the question I felt God was - TopicsExpress


What’s Holding You Hostage? That is the question I felt God was asking me during my Bible study today. When a person is a hostage, we think of someone who is under armed guard, who is a prisoner. There are memories, emotions, things, people, relationships that can hold our lives hostage. Is something holding you hostage, if so, what is holding you hostage today? Joseph spent a great deal of his life as a slave, and in prison. He suffered, but God promoted him even in his situation. He spent thirteen years as a slave and in prison. He dealt with his own brothers selling him to a caravan, and being falsely accused, and then forgotten by the cupbearer in prison. But, Joseph did not allow these circumstances to hold him hostage. When he was thirty years old, he became second in command over all of Egypt. Joseph had just gotten done interpreting Pharaoh’s dreams, and Joseph even gave Pharaoh advice on what he should do over the next 7 years. Joseph stood there in silence, not asking to be promoted. Read what transpired. “So Pharaoh asked them, ‘Can we find anyone like this man, one in whom is the spirit of God?’” Genesis 41:37 Now, I don’t know about you, but if I was standing there, I probably would have said, “Me, me, I am the one for the job. I just interpreted your dream, and then I gave you a plan to use.” But, notice what I would have said, it doesn’t include God, it is me saying that I deserve a promotion for something God did. That is what you would also expect from Joseph after all 13 years he had endured. But, he didn’t, he stood there in silence as they all looked at each other, and then Pharaoh said this. “The Pharaoh said to Joseph, ‘Since God has made all this known to you, there is no one so discerning and wise as you. You shall be in charge of my palace, and all my people are to submit to your orders. Only with respect to the throne will I be greater than you.’” Genesis 41:39-40 Wow!! What a promotion…from prisoner to second in command. This would have been a great time for him to use his power to take revenge on his brothers, Potiphar’s wife, and the cupbearer for forgetting him, but Joseph didn’t. Joseph didn’t allow the memories of his past hold him hostage. If he did, he might have taken revenge on some of those individuals that created those memories in his past. I think that Joseph humbly realized all along that God enlisted him into training, and if you see what he was doing all thirteen years, you see that he was training to be able to manage people, things, households, etc. God had him doing on-the-job training for thirteen years, and then he received his rightful promotion. There are three things that Charles Swindoll pointed out in today’s Bible Study that I would like to share with you. 1. Lengthy afflictions need not discourage us – some of you might be enduring a lengthy time of affliction. Just know that just like Joseph, God has a plan, and His plan is perfect. Do not be discouraged, do not be held hostage by a lengthy affliction. 2. Bad memories need not defeat us – all too often we hold onto a memory and the sting of that memory, the pain doesn’t go away. But, know that being held hostage by this pain will not allow you to move on and experience blessing. You may never forget a memory, but God can help remove the stinger. 3. Great blessings need not disqualify us from service – Joseph was blessed after all those years, and when he was promoted, he served God first in that promotion. If you are at a point in your life that you are being greatly blessed….know that we need “Joseph’s” in our local church. We need you. Do not let your blessings hold you hostage from doing God’s work. Is something holding you back from doing God’s work, is something holding you hostage today? We all have a choice as to what holds each of us hostage. If you need prayer for something, let me know, let “Followers of The Way” know. We want to pray for you. Have a great day Facebook Friends, Bert
Posted on: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 20:10:19 +0000

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