What’s my motivation? Boy what a loaded question and who am I - TopicsExpress


What’s my motivation? Boy what a loaded question and who am I asking that of? The producer who is making choices of actors for their production or maybe the actor who is portraying a role on-camera? Maybe it’s the director who is calling for a certain type of shot or the dreamer who’s deciding whether to audition or take part in training. What’s my motivation? Let’s look at each example. Yesterday I posted about why a producer might choose one actor over another for a part they are casting. Was Ben Affleck the right choice as Batman in the new movie from Zack Snyder? If the motivation was to have an older and more experienced Batman – then probably yes. For the actor, let’s look at the mid-season premiere of Season 4 of ‘The Walking Dead’. In that episode we see ‘Michonne’ quickly turn from traveling in the midst of a group of walkers to dispatching them with her katana. What was her motivation? Was it fear or maybe anger, or could it have been that she was making the decision to live and not just survive? How about for a director? In this case I’ll look at the shot choices in a recent local commercial for the Moore-Faust Law Group. In that commercial we see that almost every shot has the camera moving. What is the motivation for that? I learned, and still believe that a camera move has to be motivated otherwise it becomes a distraction to the story. So in this case I cannot offer a solid motivation for the director’s choices. How about the dreamer choosing to audition for a part in a short film or participating in a training exercise for more experience? In one case local filmmaker Ryan Brewer was disappointed in the turnout of actors for the recent auditions for the short ‘Larry and The Monsters’, while in another case I wonder if any filmmakers will decide to participate in the Short Film Scene event. What are the motivations for these responses? Knowing your motivation is important. Contact me at the Black Hills Institute of Broadcast & Cinematic Arts to find out more about the Short Film Scene event or email me at sitch.jack@gmail. Then remember to share this post, friend us and like us. Thank you.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Feb 2014 01:54:05 +0000

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