******When Beauty Becomes A Crime(Episode 4) She seemed to like - TopicsExpress


******When Beauty Becomes A Crime(Episode 4) She seemed to like everything about Banji. She had admired his fascinating eyeballs, his commanding physique and that finely chiseled face. His neatness and smartness in the school uniform also enticed her, and she wondered how perfect he would look in a casual wear. Banji’s sonorous voice had soothed her whole body like a cold water under the sunny afternoon. Now she wished he would come to her again. She wished he would disturb her for a week or two to make herself more precious to him. As much as she liked protecting her dignity she never wanted to take Banji’s time as much…not all guys had the nerve to pester a woman for long. The test was just to confirm if it wasn’t a pure lust. She knew what some boys would say in the absence of girls that succumbed easily to their proposals. A cheap girl. Few of them only understood that not all girls that gave up easily were cheap, she thought. On getting to the classroom, Aisha rummaged through her bag and produced a silver bangle. She told Oyinkansola that her grandmother had given it to her as a gift a few days before her death. According to her grandmother, It was a protection against bad luck and spiritual attack. “A reverend had prayed on it for Grandma when she visited one holy mountain,” Aisha added. “Can an ordinary bangle like this prevent you from anything?” Oyinkansola said as she fiddled with the bangle in her hands. “Oyinkan,” Aisha said, and heaved a long sigh, “I’ve wanted to tell you this since morning, but there was no chance. I had a terrible dream about you.” “A dream about me?” She lay her palms on her chests. “Yes,” she nodded, “I saw you fall in a pool of water and eight trunks fell upon you.You were so helpless…You couldn’t stand up. I was so afraid when I woke up,” Aisha grabbed Oyinkansola’s hand with the bangle, “I want you to start using this bangle. I’ll collect it back after a while.” Oyinkansola shook her head in protest..She said she would rather pray over it in the night. She expressed her gratitude and handed it back to her. At that instant, the bell rang. “But…but you can still…. anyway, that’s also a good idea,” Aisha shrugged her shoulders indifferently “you don’t need to thank me. What are friend’s for?” Reluctantly she collected it from her. ***** At 3:25 pm, Olumide was waiting at the verandah of SS1 H. He was leaning his back on one of the concrete pillars. He had been staying there for over thirty minutes but Oyinkansola didn’t leave the class. The seven other boys were waiting under a disserted shed by the football field. Banji had finally told them he was no longer interested in the plan and warned them against it. They had all ignored and mocked him as a coward. According to their current plan, if Olumide was passing by with Oyinkansola they would go into the bush one after the other for their diabolic mission. Now Olumide kept tapping his feet against the pillar in dismay. Oyinkansola was in the midst of her classmates, ten girls and seven boys. They were all awaiting the lesson period which was fifteen minutes’ time. Olumide wondered if he should go inside and touch her from the back. He thought her classmates would suspect since all eyes were always on her. About five minutes later, Oyinkansola remembered that the government teacher had sent for her. He had asked her to meet him in the staffroom before the lesson hour. She sprang up from her seat and quickly kept her bag in her locker. As she walked out of the classroom, Olumide’s heart leapt like an excited toad in a swamp. He adjusted the brown twisty ring around his index finger. Whenever he touched a girl with the ring the only word he had to utter was , “Follow me,” and the victim’s face would turn blank before going after him like a shadow. The spell would expire after thirty minutes. Olumide quickly walked behind her and lay his left hand on her back. “Follow me,” Olumide smiled as he took his hand off her, “I need your attention, baby girl.” With that, Oyinkansola turned to him with that blank expression on her face. Olumide smiled again and turned back. He took some steps forward, but didn’t hear any footstep behind him. Taking a backward glance, he saw Oyinkansola’s eyes dilated as if she was under electric shock. He thought Oyinkansola’s spirit was too stubborn since she had refused to follow him directly. He thought of holding her hand or tapping her body once more. Olumide raised his hand and before the hand could land on Oyinkansola, a thundering..... Next Episode will be posted soon... Stay tuned Anyone following??
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 22:12:51 +0000

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