When Fred Rabbit Carrier was elected as Chief back in 2010, he - TopicsExpress


When Fred Rabbit Carrier was elected as Chief back in 2010, he held an open public meeting early on into his Chieftainship, many elders and administrative folk attended, as well as Aitsiniki media, a few town folk and RCMP. I had noticed right from the beginning, that the only youth in attendance there aside from the Aitsiniki crew, was myself no one under the age of 23 was there and I was only 20 years old at the time. Now that day I knew about the meeting and had wanted to go, but I had no desire to speak up or out about the issues facing our people. I just wanted to observe, like how I usually do. Instead, out of some rationale that something had to be said on behalf of the youth, I stood up and addressed some of the issues i knew off the top of my head. Now, I am no public speaker, and there I was stumbling over my words, quietly, fearfully, in front of all these people who knew their shit, the 411, and had their wits about them in regards t the situation on the reserve. It was an address directed not only to Chief and Council, but from the younger generation to the older generation and the divide in communication between the two. I remember asking why were there no other youth in attendance, and the silence of the youth was a message in itself. Knowing that elders were there listening to every little thing I said, terrified me. I remember my voice shaking, my thoughts and my heart beat i could hear loudly in my ears. Afterwards, I would come to tell myself that I could have spoken in better in front of all them, more confidence. Nonetheless, at the end of my brief address, I was greeted with applause and a few elders and older folk had come to shake my hand. And now, with the Elections around the corner...the issues I had spoken of still remain prevalent, but now with a noticeable glimmer for hope that it can be changed.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 21:20:57 +0000

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