When G-d Closes One Door, He Opens Another. For decades, the - TopicsExpress


When G-d Closes One Door, He Opens Another. For decades, the survival of Israel has been dependent on the United States. It is the United States that has provided financial assistance, military weaponry and veto support in the United Nations. There are many historians who believe that Jimmy Carter did major damage to Israel not only by being personally responsible for the rise of Khomeini in Iran, but in forcing Israel to give up the Sinai in the Begin-Sadat peace deal that caused the death of Sadat, the forfeiture of Israels only oil fields and a significant buffer against terrorism and infiltration. Today, terrorists are alive and well in Sinai, although Egypt is fighting them tooth and nail. That is not so much to protect Israel or the peace deal, but is directly the result of the fact that the terrorists are tied to the Moslem Brotherhood, the organization Obama attempted to protect during the brief time they controlled Egypt. There is a lot Israel did not get in that deal, including a demilitarized Gaza. Had Carter truly been interested in peace, the deal would have required Egypt taking control of Gaza with the Sinai, not leaving Israel to deal with this unmanageable sewer of hatred and ignorance. The significance of that failure is evident today. Israel is criticized for not allowing total freedom of movement in and out of Gaza. Dozens of UN resolutions are passed specifically because of Israels supposed oppression of the poor Gaza terrorists. Egypt announces it is going to create a buffer in Gaza several kilometers wide and removes all Palestinian housing within that buffer area in Gaza, and the world is silent. Had Egypt been forced to take over Gaza, the world would have been silent as Egypt took whatever steps were necessary to remove Hamas, killing whomever they had to kill and eliminating this threat to Israel. Other than during the Carter administration, the United States has been a steadfast supporter of Israel, the only other pause being in 1956, when France and England supported Israels battle against Egypt, a battle that was being won handily until Eisenhower stepped in and shut down Israels advance. Today, only the most ridiculously foolish pie in the sky liberal would believe that this President has Israels back. They are the same people who believe Israel is an apartheid state, even though Moslems are in the Knesset, have freedom to pray on the Temple Mount, which even Jews cannot do, and even though there is no religion prohibited or hindered from practicing their beliefs, while Jews and Christians are being persecuted and murdered throughout the Moslem world, Egypt and UAE have both banned the movie Exodus because it is not religiously or historically correct, and the Jewish festival in Egypt has been prohibited because it is offensive. It is clear as a bell that if it were not for the Congress, Obama would have long ago aided the elimination of Israel at the hands of Hamas, Hezbollah and his new BFF, Iran. If you think it is an accident that the only two Presidents supporting Iran in the last fifty years are Carter and Obama, go play the lottery -- Im sure you believe luck will guarantee you a big jackpot. Congress, however, cannot control the United States vote in the Security Council. One never knows what dangerous pen Obama will wield for what sinister purpose. The fact is, Israel cannot be guaranteed that the Obama administration will be there to protect Israels interests when the chips are down. He is a lame duck. He never has to run again. He couldnt care less about the Democratic party; he is a classic narcissist. His fortune, like Carters, will undoubtedly be made with the tens of millions of dollars of Arab largess thrown his way after leaving office to spew the venom handed to him by the Arab lobbyists. Israel cannot and should not trust him. Without the United States as a trusted ally in the United Nations, Israel would seem to be in a vulnerable position. Someone up high is well aware of this. Personally, I do not believe it is luck that the United Kingdom announced today they will not support the Palestinian initiative which, if passed by the Security Council, would be the first step in the eventual elimination of a militarily defensible Jewish state of Israel. If passed, the Palestinian measure would mean the PLO would not have to negotiate for peace. They would merely have to sit back and wait two years for the deadline to kick in with the world pressuring Israel and declaring war crimes if Israel did not withdraw from all territory beyond the Green Line, the 67 borders, by the end of 2016 (while Obama was still in office, by the way). That would leave Israel with a hostile border 8 miles from its business, residential and cultural heart. How far is eight miles? Manhattan Island is 13 miles long. In other words, if you are living in Mid-town Manhattan, it would be the equivalent of ISIS setting up shop on the Bronx River and hurling missiles at you. Do you think you would survive that? If you live where I do in Manalapan, NJ, It would be the equivalent of a hostile foreign nation sworn to your destruction setting up shop on Ernston Road and launching a barrage of rockets and missiles at your neighborhood. If you live in Philadelphia, its the distance between Northeast Philadelphia and Center City. If youve ever gone to Delaware by the Lewes ferry, eight miles is LESS than the distance from Cape May, NJ to Lewes, DE. Those borders are simply not doable. They are not doable while Hamas, which can take over the West Bank any day, is sworn to the elimination of Israel, Jewish or not. It is not doable while Iran sends its Revolutionary Guard to Syria, Lebanon and wherever else it pleases with instructions to destroy Israel on a moments notice. It is not doable while Abbas himself says that a Jewish State is not acceptable. It is not doable while nearly forty years after Camp David, the PLO charter still calls for the destruction of Israel. It is not doable while Abbas states that not a single Jew will be permitted to live in Palestine. Thats not old news. He said it last week. The two state solution is a myth. It is a pipe dream. It cannot exist until the Palestinians are willing to accept that the other state will be a Jewish state. Understand that the Arab members of Israels own Knesset are sworn to its destruction -- imagine how secure Israel would feel with a military government eight miles from Tel Aviv, several hundred feet from its capital in Jerusalem. As Obama pulls the United States away from Israel, the UK is stepping up. Canada is stepping up, Australia is stepping up. The UK is the important player, however. They have the veto they can exercise whenever Obama suddenly decides that now is the time to let Israel sink. For the next two years, it will be the UK that Israel trusts. Unlike left wing American Jews, Israel understands reality, consequences, historical events. Israel has survived because its leaders think with their heads, not their hearts. They deal with what is, not what theyd like it to be. We can all be thankful that there is not in England a mass of foolish, knee jerk Jewish liberals convincing the government that survival of the Jewish state as a Jewish state is a bad thing. For the next two years, it will be the UK that protects the State of Israel.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 18:45:31 +0000

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