When GEJ came to us in 2011, with the I have no shoes story, - TopicsExpress


When GEJ came to us in 2011, with the I have no shoes story, Nigerians in their usual emphatic disposition believed and gave him their mandate. This was almost two years after the constitutional doctrine of necessity was crafted and invoked to justify his substantive appointment and upgrade from the acting capacity as at the time when Turai and her cabal held sway in impunity. It is nearly four years after the people gave him their mandate, and our former shoe less one has gravely transformed. Yes! Now he has more shoes, and more. The irony here is that while he once lacked, he now has beyond expectation, as generality of Nigerians, whom he confessed lacking to, are deeper in deprivation, safe for the few who would endlessly and deceitfully ring out his praises at the slightest of opportunity. The hope for which they entrusted their mandates daily dampened. Not because of the peoples undoing, but of gross failure and insensitivity on the part of the government, led by the same shoe less fable teller We once had our country where, parts, didnt have unfamiliar and hostile flags hoisted, with Islamic caliphates in existence, and the people all in peaceful co existence. Where poverty werent so excruciating, and the level of corruption not this institutionalized. That time when anti grafts were in constant watch and carrying out their roles effectively. When prosecutions took place and corrupt officials jailed. Our transformation has brought us this far, where corruption has become officially accepted and eulogized with awkward pronouncement, like, corruption is not stealing. How then can the fight be sincere, against the backdrop of the above comments knowing how inimical this has been to our development? It is further shown by the kid glove approach to the monumental theft by government officials, where people who have stolen huge sums are left off the hooks, with little or no punitive measures. Another veritable means of escaping the hook is to switch your affilliation from wherever including the opposition, to the ruling party. Nigeria is set for an all time greatness, save for our corrupt psyches and tendencies. Who then should help us out, at such a time, when the hope we had at the coming of this government has plummeted terribly? The late Chinua Achebe must have had same inkling when he titled his book, There was a country. The title which I find more apt to use in describing the forlorn feeling amongst the people for loosing their dear country to a group of blood sucking, power mongering individuals. Those who are comfortable with Nigerians dieing everyday needlessly, from terrorism, diseases, political and criminal violence etc, and can yet afford a dancing rally, on the blood of the innocents, with endless and feeble words of assurances to Nigerians and empty threats to terrorists. It has been years of hearing no terrorist shall go unpunished, and they have held sway, and I am wont to wonder how real are these words of encouragement, when in another twist, we are told by same that terrorists are our siblings. Sincerity is manifestly lacking, as we have also been told that the they have infiltrated the government. If this is a known fact, how come we are still grappling with the courage to crush the madness of these insurgents? A question that might require eternity to answer; perhaps! As we wail under the overwhelming torments from same government that has promised Nigerians succour from the inception, just like it was in the days when a Pharoah, who knew not Joseph, arose and doubled the hardship of the Israelites, our hope and prayer is for a Moses of our time to be commissioned and anointed for the task of wresting our country from the grip of the wicked, and re building this great nation to its full potentials. Now the people in grunts and pains hope that Nero continues to fiddle as Nigeria burns under his watch. The Nebuchadnazzer of our time, and a Saul who clings to the throne that has long been taken from him. Just a matter of time!!!!! #Bringbackourcountry #Bringbackourhumanity #Bringbackoursense #Bringbackourpeace
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 09:38:48 +0000

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