When God Puts You on Hold (1) ...Be patient in trouble, and - TopicsExpress


When God Puts You on Hold (1) ...Be patient in trouble, and prayerful always. Romans 12:12 Weve been dubbed the microwave generation for good reason-we charge through life like were on fire! But God has His own timetable and it cant be rushed. So when He puts you on hold: Watch your words. Like a small rudder on a big ship, what you say determines your direction and helps stop the wrong thoughts from infiltrating your mind. Mel Weldon said, My mind is a garden, my thoughts are the seeds; my harvest will be either flowers or weeds. Ask God to help you control your emotions. Paul says, Be glad for all God is planning...Be patient in trouble...and prayerful always. Complaining magnifies the problem. Prayer turns negative energy into a powerful force for good. Look for the humour in it. Solomon said, ...he who is of a merry heart has a continual feast (Proverbs 15:15 NKJV). Laughter dispels tension, lightens the burden and fills your soul with joy. Appreciate the chance to learn. The Chinese view problems as prospects; in their culture the character/symbol for problems and opportunities is the same. Solomon said, ...the diligent make use of everything... (Proverbs 12:27 NLT). Learn from your experience regardless of how hard it is, and remember, some of the worlds greatest discoveries and breakthroughs resulted from crises. Love unconditionally. Problems are caused by people, and under pressure its tempting to lash out. The bottom line is: we all make mistakes, and nobody is beyond redemption! Arent you glad about that? Learn to see people through Gods eyes. ...Overcome evil with good (Romans 12:21 NIV). Be courteous, and maintain your dignity when youre under pressure (Romans 12:10).
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 07:22:45 +0000

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