When God created Adam and Eve, what ONE thing did God forbid them - TopicsExpress


When God created Adam and Eve, what ONE thing did God forbid them to do? What was to be the penalty for disobedience? ANSWER: but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die. Genesis 2:17 The penalty for disobedience was death. What medium did Satan use to deceive Eve? What lies did he tell her? ANSWER: Read...Genesis 3:1-5 Satan used a serpent, - the wisest, most appealing animal God made--to deceive Eve. Some think the serpent origionally had wings and flew(Isaiah 14:29;30:6 -darting snakes NIV..or fiery flying serpents KJV) Remember, it did not crawl untill God cursed it. (Genesis 3:14) Satans lies were..1. You wont die, and 2. Eating the fruit will make you wise. Satan, who invented lying,(John 8:44) mixed truth with the lies he told Eve. Lies that include some truth are the most effective of all. It was true they would know evil after sinning. In love, God had witheld from them the knowledge of heartache, grief, suffering, pain and death. Satan, as he does today, made the knowledge of evil appear attractive. Satan told lies to misrepresent Gods character because he knew that no one would ever turn away from such a loving God unless he misunderstood His character.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 09:46:47 +0000

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