When God had me leading a Christ centered 12 step program in my - TopicsExpress


When God had me leading a Christ centered 12 step program in my church, I learned some real nuggets of truth that I wasnt taught growing up. One of those nuggets was Other peoples junk isnt my junk... I was very co-dependent and tended to take on and carry grudges against people who my friends had grudges with, even though that person had never done me any harm or wrong and had given me no reason to dislike them. In the body of Christ I have seen this happen personally (I have been guilty of this in the past), those slanderers and gossips spreading their malice from one member to the next and causing division in the body. Paul in 1Cor. 5:7 tells us Dont you know that a little yeast (sinful nature) works through the whole batch of dough? Get rid of the old yeast that you may be a new batch (Spirit filled)without yeast..... Paul goes onto to say in verse 11 of that same passage I am writing you that you must not associate with anyone who calls himself a brother and does such things...... Recently a young lady was introduced to me and she was happy, opened and receptive every time I would see her, and then like a light switch being turned off, she became closed, distant and stand-offish.. I noticed she had been with and become close with another who was the same towards me. This should not be in the body of Christ. I had to repent for slandering and gossiping about my brothers and sisters in Christ, I even had to ask for forgiveness from those who I had been gossiping to, it wasnt easy. Had to swallow lots of pride, but what I was doing was ruining and causing great devastation to the body of Christ. You may have or are struggling with gossip and slander, or someone in the body may be gossiping and slandering others to you. Know this, it can all stop with you. If each member in the body would shut this down when it is being stirred up, unity would be restored to the body of Christ.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 11:41:18 +0000

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