When God says He will do something in your life, He is God and - TopicsExpress


When God says He will do something in your life, He is God and more than able to do all that He has promised, many a times we try to help God when it seems as if the promises of God are taking long to be fulfilled, many a times we try to cut corners, go to extremes so as to make the promise come true, what happens from trying to help God, you will only create problems for yourself, Remember our father Abraham, God promised him an heir but when the promise took long they tried to help God, Sarah suggested that Abraham go in unto Hagar her handmaid and bear a child with her, Abraham did not refuse just like most of us today, God has given you a promise that He will beautify your marriage for you, now it seems the promise is taking long and someone is advising you to get charms, you are now helping God and God will never share His glory He will wait until you fail and you are frustrated then go back to Him,God has said He will prosper you in this land but you are getting impatient and you are seeking money in the wrong places, God has said you shall embrace a child but it seems its not happening you are going to different places seeking that child hey please wait upon the Lord my sister for they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings like eagles, God has said He is healing you but you are trying to help him by visiting one traditional healer after the other, is He not the great physician? Is He not the balm of Gilead? God has promised you your marriage but it seems its taking long and instead of waiting for the man to come find you, you go looking for him and you end up with the wrong one who will disappoint you, please do not try to help God nomatter how long it takes wait for the appointed time, by trying to help God we undermine His authority and ability to do that which He has said, never be deceived God will let you be He will watch you and wait for you to come back to Him,we have been decreeing the promises of God on this page but many think ummmm is that for real, will that happen? Abraham and his wife tried to help God and that created a problem up to this day the Arabs that are always fighting others are the descendants of Ishmael because God said his hand shall be against every man and every mans hand shall be against him, There is always a problem that comes when you try to help God, this morning take a moment and reflect about the situation that you are in, is it not a result of you trying to help God to fulfill His promise upon your life? Please do not try to use your own strength because you will only be frustrated, when you use your own strength it is the flesh that is in control but when you yield to the will of God it is the spirit that is in control, What makes us try to help God is lack of faith because you are faced with an impossible situation you forget what God has said and you resort to your own means of sorting it out, we can not do anything by ourselves whatever we have achieved its by His grace but pride tells us we have done this and that, we are to depend upon Him entirely, God is interested in every bit of our life can you imagine He even knows the number of hairs upon your head, , if you are in marital problems that you feel they are a result of trying to help God, you do not leave that marriage God hates divorce surrender it to Him and be earnest before God l assure you, as long as you depend on Him he will change the situation for you in the name of Jesus Christ, Today you may be frustrated, cast down, you do not know whether you are coming or going, you have gone in too deep because you tried to help God, its nothing to be ashamed of we have all done it, today there is hope for Our Father is merciful let us go before His throne of grace and ask for mercy, let us ask God to forgive us for trying to help Him, this morning we are saying Father we surrender all unto you forgive us for trying to help you, we need you Jesus Christ our hope is in you, we have tried it our way and have failed have your way in our lives straighten every crooked path, remove every obstacle and hindrance in our way, Shallom
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 08:55:20 +0000

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