When God takes something away, it’s most likely not good for - TopicsExpress


When God takes something away, it’s most likely not good for us We sometimes hold on to stuff that isnt doing us good, people that are holding us back, dreams that are taking us away from our true calling. Sometimes we don’t realize that we’re carrying too much excess baggage, preventing us from running light. So God takes them away; even if we get hurt in the process, and when He does, He’s actually releasing us from more pain. And mind you, God is more stubborn than we can ever be. So rather than playing tug of war with God, or rather than being angry at Him, just let go. Open your palm and release from your kung-fu tight grip what He’s clearly taking away from you. Trust that He knows what’s best. When God takes something away, sometimes we don’t have to know why. He alters schedules and plans, He accomplishes His will whatever it takes; even if it requires parting oceans and sending His own Son to die. He sees things from a bigger perspective, and when things do not make sense to us, to Him, everything is happening according to plan. When God took my Father home, He didn’t replace him with someone else, there’s just no way my Dad could ever be replaced in my life. There are losses that are better left unexplained, lest we start questioning God’s goodness. The key to acceptance is believing in your heart that God knows what He’s doing and that He means well. He is sovereign above all things, and He will have His way when He pleases and for His glory. Maybe God will reveal answers in this lifetime, maybe not. It doesn’t matter.We don’t always have to know why. What matters is, He does.
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 03:48:32 +0000

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