When I become president heres how I will win the war against - TopicsExpress


When I become president heres how I will win the war against homegrown militant Islam. It will make a lot of people mad, but it would work. 1. Properly identify the enemy. Terror is not the enemy. Terror is a military tactic, such kamikaze pilots in WWII. We fought Japan, not individual pilots. Islam is not the enemy (even though the Koran encourages violence) because not all Muslims are violent. Many are, but not all. The enemy is Jihad. Jihadists are the Muslims who have declared war on us. 2. Pressure congress to declare war on Jihad. A declaration of war is constitutional and legally necessary. 3. Use social media to identify Jihadists. Dont shut down Jihadist websites and Facebook posts, use them to identify the threat. If someone declares himself to be a Jihadist then we take them at their word and arrest them before they blow up a crowd or cut someones head off. As a self-declared Jihadist they lose their citizenship and American judicial rights. They are an enemy combatant therefore subject to arrest and tried in a military tribunal. If you identified yourself as an active Nazi living in America during WWII, we would not have waited for you to kill a Jew before we arrested you. If you identify with the enemy, we treat you as the enemy. All of the homegrown Jihadists who have attacked Americans in recent weeks have declared their intentions on social media prior to their violent acts. We would just have to distinguish between a sympathizer and someone revealing their intentions. This wont totally solve Jihadist violence but it would be a game changer that would make America a little safer.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 10:38:02 +0000

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