When I came to the US in mid 90s, I weighed 170lbs which was my - TopicsExpress


When I came to the US in mid 90s, I weighed 170lbs which was my ideal weight for my 5.8 height. I kept gaining weight while following the American dream until I reached 260lbs last March! There was times where I lost 10,15 or even 25 lbs but I always gained back those lbs viciously with few more! I got diabetic with high cholesterol and high blood pressure In addition to few other internal problems. You wont imagine the level of discomfort, emotional and psychological pressure I had subhanallah. I listened to doctors, friends and family telling me all kinds of things, warning me, advising me and reminding me with all the risks. All of this never amounted to more than here we go again with my weight! All changed when this year I had to undergo a surgery to repair a hiatal hernia ( internal). I was told that I had other problems with my liver and my only way out of all my issues is to go back to my original ideal weight ( between 160-175lbs.)! I didnt know how I am going to do that but with Allahs support, then with my wifes and childrens, I managed to reach 218lbs today ( I started April11, 2014)! And planning to reach 200lbs by end of Ramadan/July 2014 inshaAllah then to my final goal by end of this year with Allahs permission. Alhamdulliah, No more diabetes, cholesterol or blood pressure medications. My asthma is under control and all good Alhamdullilah! Here are few advices to all of you specially my dear colleagues, daiis, shaikhs and community activists: 1. Your family and your community need you, look up to you, are affected by you and would love to see you as a role model spiritually and physically. So live up to that! 2. Recite Quran daily and embrace it in all aspects of your life. It will sound different, feel different and you will truly enjoy it. Try tonight! 3. Exercise even by walking. 30 minutes 3 times a week is all what it takes but never miss it under any circumstances . We are very good at creating excuses. Get out of this lethargic mood and enjoy an early morning, after Fajr walk or a dusk bike ride. Please dont say I work all day. Instead of saying cannot do say need to! 4. Eat healthy. Start by throwing all the mayonnaise, mustard, dressings, oily and fatty foods away. Clean your fridge and your pantry from all the junk. We all know it so get rod of it. Dont do that by eating it :) You all know the amount of food that gives you that stuffed feeling. Is it that big plate? Is it the second one? Or more? One third of that amount should be your intake. Use smaller plate, bowls and utensils. Dont take seconds. Try chopsticks :) 5. Always find something to do. Go to the masjid, Read, have a walk with your family in the park, listen to a lecture, volunteer, tutor someone, visit someone at the hospital but dont use your work hours as an excuse. 6. Dont sleep on that couch ever. Sleep Im your bed and sleep at night. You may take a nap during the day but dont over do it! Try, have hope, have faith in Allah, seek His help, believe in yourself, seek the support of your loved ones and you will do great inshaAllah. See you all thinner :)
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 02:33:40 +0000

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