When I first decided to open a gym my goal was to get the best - TopicsExpress


When I first decided to open a gym my goal was to get the best quality (in terms of functionality) of equipment that I could. I wanted equipment that was heavy duty, equipment that felt right and moved smoothly with the body and I wanted equipment that would be able to cover all arenas of fitness; strength, bodybuilding, strongman, endurance sports, etc… I wanted to make sure that no matter who came through the door they’d have what they needed. Now, did I believe that it was the equipment that would make or break my gym… no. Another factor I focused on was RESULTS. If someone came to me and said they wanted “X” I was going to do absolutely everything and anything needed to get them “X”. I didn’t care what I had to buy, what I had to learn, what lengths to which I had to go… no matter what, I was going to get them to their goals... kicking and screaming if need be, haha. Now, did I believe that it was results that would make or break my gym… no. What I did know was the truest determining factor of whether or not the gym would survive was… the environment. Now, does equipment factor into the environment, absolutely, does people getting results factor into the environment, absolutely, but those are both only small parts of the bigger picture. The environment of the gym includes equipment and results but more so it includes… the people. I knew BIG would survive if I focused on growing a membership of people who were respectful, hardworking and kind. People who other people wanted to be around. And it IS the people of BIG that have made it what it is. They’ve extended a helping hand and a smiling face whenever it was needed, they’ve wholeheartedly accepted all new members whether they were experienced trainers or complete newbies… there’s been no discrimination… only acceptance. And that’s what I want to focus on in this post… the concept of acceptance. When you look at the fitness world as a whole there are MANY different types of training styles; there’s powerlifting, bodybuilding, strongman, crossfit, running, endurance trainers, circuit trainers, there’s even specialized activities like boxing, cycling, dance classes, kettlebell classes, etc… BUT what do ALL of these types of fitness activities have in common? People wanting to better themselves. The people involved in the activities chose their activity because they liked it, it made them feel good about themselves and because they believed it would be an avenue to making them a happier, healthier person. Too often in the fitness world people focus on the differences between these various types of activities and try to point out the flaws of each, trying to make their own activity sound superior… but THAT DOESN’T MATTER!!! Who cares “who’s” activity is the best?! What’s the TRUE PURPOSE OF ALL OF THE ACTIVITIES? To create a healthier, happier person. That’s it. So, if someone is participating in an activity different than yours… but they’re healthier and happier… then shut the hell up and simply say “Congrats, keep going!” Negative talk will only bring them down, negative talk will only hurt their progress, negative talk will do exactly what the term implies… it will cause “negatives” in their life. Why would you want to hurt their progress? Why would you want to hurt their feelings? Just so you can feel better about your own activity? That’s not right! You should be confident and proud with whatever activity you chose and that should be all the reassurance you need AND you shouldn’t put anyone else down for their chosen activity. If that’s what they want to do, and it doesn’t hurt you, then let them be happy… cheer them on… keep them motivated, not discouraged. If you feel that their activity won’t lead where they believe it will, meaning you think they’re wasting their time… well, unless they ask your opinion, it’s not your right to say anything. AND recognize that they’re building great skills such as discipline and commitment, so if and when their chosen path doesn’t work, they can then move to a better pathway and already have the building blocks of success in place. Whether they’re in the “right” activity or not doesn’t concern you. Provide a respectful, well-informed opinion IF asked, but if not asked then just be supportive and wait for the time that they do ask. Sorry for the rant, but I just wanted to get across that there is no need for negative talk amongst various activities of fitness. The true purpose, the reason why we all got into fitness, was to feel better about ourselves. If someone has chosen a path different than you, but they’re happy, then let them be happy. Don’t preach, don’t try to convert them, instead push them to keep going, push them to continue to improve in both effort and knowledge. Do for them what you’d like done for you. Positive support and… acceptance.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 10:00:00 +0000

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