When I heard about the shooting in the Jewish Museum in Belgium, - TopicsExpress


When I heard about the shooting in the Jewish Museum in Belgium, my first thoughts were : In Belgium ? WTF is this ? This is not normal ... Smells like a false flag ... why would one do this ? The only reason can be to create fear and to raise support for creating a Belgian Homeland Security with more authority than the already existing anti-terrrorism-unit ... So ... 1,5 month after the shooting, a Belgian Homeland Security is being proposed by Bart De Wever ... Well guys, wake up or we are all screwed. If this comes to life, kiss your privacy and your rights goodbye. Cleaning out terrorists in Belgium ???? Ridiculous, we better stop funding and arming them because it is here where they get their goodies. No to Homeland Security !!!! Whats next ? A FEMA-camp in Belgium .... ???
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 21:27:30 +0000

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