When I heard the BBC news programme announcing today that there - TopicsExpress


When I heard the BBC news programme announcing today that there had been a rise in the YES vote following the debate I thought I might share some thoughts with everybody. This is a post I made on Wings Over Scotland I am very reassured to see so many on this issue who have grasped the essence of it. Sadly some of our supporters are too naive and have (temporarily, I hope) lost their nerve. Alex Salmond is completely right about the currency issue. Even if you prefer a Scottish currency in the longer term at this moment it is in everybody’s interest to have a currency union. Better Together know we will have a currency union. They know rUK will desperately need a currency union. They also know that Scotland will hold all the aces in any negotiation about it. They also know that any country can use the pound, but they don’t appear to understand that all informed Scots also know this. And all the newspapers also know this but anybody that thought that they would factor this information into their demented coverage is obviously deeply naive. The over the top press stuff in my judgement is counter-productive and the bounce back on this will be that much stronger. I had a long conversation with a very reliable source last night and that person’s opinion was that the Mr Nice Guy under attack in the debate was planned and one of the the objects of the exercise – to lead Better Together into a campaign on the currency issue – was achieved. Better Together are now campaigning furiously on an issue that is very low on most people’s priorities and which is based on a lie. Job done. The Alex Salmond we recognise was back in place at FMQT yesterday. Don’t expect the media to report this but you can expect the “we can use the pound whether you like it or not -are you trying to bully us?” to become a theme we will use Just keep your nerve – and remember the enemy wants us to argue with each other. Dave
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 21:10:21 +0000

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