When I look at some of the faces of my fellow citizens, I am - TopicsExpress


When I look at some of the faces of my fellow citizens, I am saddened by their eyes :( Many without work, many without Civic pride or hope for the City :( They feel stuck :( We need REAL jobs in this City...We need to help people get on their feet! Ive been thinking about Industry, and what could be done..what could be made in Thunder Bay! Currently, I have been thinking about Synthetic Rubber! Im researching it, to see if there is a market for products in the area, the feasibility of it, the environment risks involved, as well as the impact (positive and negative), to Thunder Bay.. Another idea for Industry, is Micro Electronics! Again...I am researching all aspects of this, from the market needs, to feasibility, cost and impact...I love research and facts! I have also been researching our current marketing of Tourism, as a whole! We are Superior by Nature, and I believe that we need to showcase our beautiful surroundings, and our City, as much as we can, so I am trying to think of ways to improve our marketing! Civic Pride is also on my mind, as to what we can do, to bring back the love and pride of this City! Some of my ideas include competitions for most beautiful curb appeal, a Get to Know Your neighbour campaign, and maybe even a Mentoring program, between senior citizens, and our youth! The ideas for a better, brighter future for Thunder Bay are endless...but I thought that I would let you know a few ideas, I have been working on, to see if they would benefit all of us :)
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 05:15:58 +0000

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