When I saw photos of those self hating Jews dressed in chassidish - TopicsExpress


When I saw photos of those self hating Jews dressed in chassidish garb betraying themselves since they are Jews.... I felt so ashamed that they are Jews. I would love to remind them that Hitler would put them on the same line as me and the rest of Jewry directly to the gas chambers rl. Hamas would murder them just as they murder every other Jew. If they lived in France, they would be beaten just for being Jewish. This terror and hate is not anti Zionist because anti Zionist is just a fancy politically correct word for anti Semitic. I love this woman and Im so inspired by her!!! I wouldve told them to be ashamed of themselves and that they are barbaric uneducated self hating Jews and a disgrace to Judaism and humanity. However this woman truly made a kiddush HaShem- with her sleeveless shirt!! Yes, you heard me right! She wasnt dressed chassidish or yeshivish but she demonstrated sincere ahavas chinam and ahavas Yisrael which is the exact opposite of what they who believe they are holier than thou did; the ulitimate example of sinas chinam. Why are we mourning the destruction of the Bais Hamikdash? Due to baseless hatred. We are brothers and sister whether we like it or not. Acheinu KOL Bais Yisrael is not a verse that I wrote but Im repeating it from Chazal. Way to go sister!!!! Thank you for speaking out and for speaking out in a way that is sooo much more powerful than anything else anyone could have said. Just for everyones information: these guys are a tiny minority and they are NOT accepted amongst ALL chassidish sects across the board. They do NOT represent chassidim. They do NOT represent orthodoxy. They do NOT represent Judaism. Our brothers in the IDF whom are risking their lives to protect us represent true ahavas Yisrael and especially the lone soldiers whom volunteer to fight for our rights to exist as Jews. This isnt about Zionism. This is about being Jewish. As the riots against Jews that are taking place worldwide clearly demonstrate that. Why was Mr. Halimi Hyd- a young Jewish French boy kidnapped and tortured several years ago in France and murdered by Muslim terrorists? Why are Jewish stores and Shuls being vandalized in European countries? Theyre not in Israel? Because this terror is directed towards Jews and not zionists. May HaShem watch over all of us everywhere and may all self hating Jews realize their worth and learn to love their heritage. #AmYisraelChai #AhavatChinam
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 18:40:28 +0000

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