When I say that once I had it all according to human standards, - TopicsExpress


When I say that once I had it all according to human standards, when I say I once walked on the stones of Eden, when I say I have lived past lives, been broken down having lost it all, returned in sorrowful repentance to my Lord like the Prodigal son, I mean it. I was married for over ten years twice and single in between for seven. I owned two paid for homes with all the toys. I did not work at all in the seven years I was single, rather I was on my boat chasing sunsets and dolphin always alone if not with my then little girl. But I did not consider the Lord except in passing. I was empty inside. Prosperity without the Lord is empty and lonely. It is so right that I lost it all. I do not again dare to raise my head to hope for more. In the suffering of my sorrow, my Lords grace and presence is a treasure.. Here is a compiled image of a likeness that is almost exactly a view out my window of my home on the water in Florida now long ago and far away. I still weep for those days. But it is right that I lost them. I thank the Lord for my daily bread today.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 02:09:30 +0000

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