When I share on my timeline you must know that first I am - TopicsExpress


When I share on my timeline you must know that first I am reminding myself by writing then I am sharing it with others because I believe a stream that does not flow gets stagnant /no motion is in it and no one likes to see even go near it. But the river that flows, shares with other streams has the power of refreshing. People like to go near and even take a long deep breath near it. Now you can take a long deep breathe while you suck in real life giving breathe. In the Bible, from the book of John chapter 3: verses 1-9 Jesus said, ‘to enter the Kingdom of God you must be ‘BORN AGAIN” Read because this is the facts of life to enter God’s Kingdom. Now this man Nicodemus a member of the Jewish ruling council, he came to Jesus by night and said, Rabbi/teacher or guru we know you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the miraculous signs Jesus/you are doing if God were not with you. 3 In reply Jesus declared, I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless/except, he or she is born again. Nicodemus did not understand what Jesus was talking about. That is why Nicodemus questioned Jesus in verse 4 How can a man be born when he is old? He took it literally in the physical sense and said’ surely he Jesus was talking to Nicodemus about his spiritual existence which he was not really aware about and that there is real life to be understood & enjoyed in this life and also in the life to come (eternal life). Now note this Jesus emphasizing Verse 5 JESUS ANSWERED I TELL YOU THE TRUTH, NO ONE CAN ENTER THE KINGDOM OF GOD UNLESS /EXCEPT HE OR SHE IS BORN OF WATER AND THE SPIRIT’ (Water for ceremonial cleansing and repentance and Spirit meaning of God.) Then Jesus in verse 6 &7 explains in brief to Nicodemus by what He meant when he said ‘you must be born again ‘Flesh give birth to flesh (but the Spirit )meaning God’s Spirit gives birth to spirit. Verse 8 The wind blows wherever it pleases, You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going, So it is with everyone born of the Spirit. Verse 9 Still Nicodemus could not follow what Jesus was trying to convey to him. Any one that desires to get into the Kingdom of God, Action plan No 1. he must believe in Jesus that He is One and Holy lamb of God. And this Holy blemish lamb Jesus died for all the sin/wrong doings of this world. Jesus the Holy Lamb of GOD shed his priceless, innocent blood on the cross of Calvary for the forgiveness of our sins/wrong doing. And He has the power to forgive our sin/wrong doing because He is the one that took the keys of hell and death and rose from the dead on the third just as He had said. Actions plan no 2. Is, If we confess we are sinners and accept Jesus has died for all our wrong doings and receive the cleansing blood of Jesus by faith and apply that on the door post of our heart for the forgiveness of our sins/wrong doings, Jesus will certainly forgive us and be the Lord of our lives. Action plan No 3.Then we must declare Him/Jesus openly before public by getting ourselves baptized in water and in God’s spirit. Simple meaning immersed under water and rise in the name of the Father, Son and The Holy Spirit meaning that the old has gone and new has set in. Also it is a personal public declaration between God and mankind that Jesus is the Lord of my life. No one can do it for us it is a one to one personal declaration to GOD. In this way we are into the kingdom of God. God much desires of this.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 15:24:56 +0000

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