When I speak of my outrage over police brutality committed on - TopicsExpress


When I speak of my outrage over police brutality committed on Black people Im often met with people saying You cant generalize and say every cop is a bad cop or racist! Cops are good people with good intentions! There are only a few bad ones! In a better world I would believe that too...but here, in this article, is your answer. Hundreds of cops representing our whole nation turning their backs on a mayor who supported peaceful protests over the death of Eric Garner (and who has a Black wife and mixed teenage son). Heres your answer...a cop who would stand in solidarity of his brothers in this issue is just as bad as a cop who does the shooting. I cant trust those cops...because they will not protect my Black children...and if Im with them they will not protect me. I know there are cops with good intentions and even good hearts...but could they be strong in those intentions in a situation where a Black person is suffering needlessly at the hands of their co-workers? Do you think they would step back and go up against their brothers in support of a Black man? Or at the most would they step back quietly and say nothing? Because when have we heard a story of a (white) police officer stepping UP in a case like this? You have seen the videos over and over and they just dont do it. So can I trust them? Can I say I wont generalize when I tell my kids cops can be dangerous to their well being? No...because I do my children a disservice if I tell them that and they let their guard down even once in a encounter with a police officer. Solidarity means just that. They are a solid wall standing together in support of their comrades behaviors. Its always been that way. They stand together...even if its because they just fear NOT standing in that wall. This was proven to me when I lived in a neighborhood where the cop who patrolled there didnt like my mixed marriage. He pulled us...or just me...over at least once a week. Never ticketing me...asking for my papers and then throwing them at me. I went to report him and was met with hostility and an inferred warning against reporting him again. So I just lived with his (scary) games until we moved. Solidarity. A few weeks ago i was pulled over by a VERY young white cop. My daughter was in the car. He had pulled next to us and I glanced over and saw him staring at her. Uh-oh. Sure enough he pulled behind me and flipped his lights on. She immediately put her #HandsInTheAir and kept them there. She is very angry and an activist over many things. He came to the window and looked in at her and smiled. A very flirtatious blushing smile. She glared...with hands up. He stammered that my tags were expired 15 days and asked if I knew. Yes, i wont have the money til this Friday. He wrote me out a warning and couldnt take his eyes off of her (Did I mention shes gorgeous?). He was very sweet and like i said, VERY young. i would love to say I would trust this cop...after all he was sweet and silly in his awkwardness and obviously attracted to a Black girl. An obviously angry one even. We thought we were being pulled over for Driving While Black and instead it was for Driving While Pretty. But... Imagine this kid with a group of fellow cops...or even a partner...who decide they need to take my daughter down while shes peacefully protesting on the streets. Be honest with yourself...would he stop them? Speak out on her behalf? Highly unlikely. He would stand in solidarity. Your police officers...sworn to serve and PROTECT have spoken. The group in this article represents cops across our nation...turning their backs on justice. And I say again...white people who have NO experience with the Black community or what it feels like on a daily basis being Black need to have no words (Something Ive heard many say and then go on to express their very entitled opinions) and open their minds to really LISTEN and HEAR those who are experiencing this injustice on a daily basis for centuries now. PLEASE stop...LISTEN...THINK...and see the TRUTH, no matter how scary and disheartening it is. Then DO SOMETHING. Even if its just expressing your outrage at whats happening and trying to open eyes. Especially if youre white. Because that wall of backs in solidarity is a huge wall to break through and we need all the help we can get. #BlackLivesMatter #ICantBreathe #HandsInTheAir **I made this post public for anyone whod like to share.** abcnews.go/US/nypd-officers-turn-back-de-blasio-cops-funeral/story?id=27851746
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 22:10:00 +0000

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