When I started in this journey to change our political system, and - TopicsExpress


When I started in this journey to change our political system, and with that to eliminate islam from our society, I encountered a lot of negativity. People told me you cant do that. But I have always remembered that one man can make a difference. You only have to look at history to see that major changes always started because one man or woman said, that is not good enough...Im going to change it. In the last few years, I have seen a growing dissatisfaction with our political system....but more importantly I have seen many people stepping up and saying they want change too, and they are willing to DO something to achieve a better future.. I have found myself fighting against islamization reluctantly. Its not what I wanted to do when I started this journey. My goal was to reform the political system. That is still my goal. But I cannot ignore the evil that seeks to destroy our nation from within and from without. Of course, as I have got more and more deeply involved in this fight, plenty of people have told me that we cannot stop islam spreading, that we cannot stop halal certification. Well....I say WRONG. We CAN and we WILL stop this cancer. In fact, I had a very disappointing discussion tonight with someone who said that she thinks we cannot stop halal certification because its such a huge business. With apologies to that person, Im afraid we cannot afford to have a negative attitude like that. That will only guarantee failure...and I do not accept failure...especially when we are fighting for the very survival of our nation, our identity, and our freedoms. I will never accept that we cant stop islam and its criminal halal scam. It is a crime against us, and a crime against humanity. Islam is the problem. We must fight to bring about a better, peaceful future for humanity....for the sake of our children and their children. Our ancestors have had to fight throughout the ages against islam, because this vile ideology has never stopped trying to subjugate us in the 1,400 years it has blighted this planet. We have no choice in this. Islam started this fight, but I am determined to finish it. That is why you keep hearing me state that we must BAN ISLAM. That is why I say that we must STOP the halal scam. There can be no compromise on these two goals. Islam thrives on weakness. If we are going to beat it into the ground and eliminate it from our planet our resolve to win must be so strong that islam will collapse under our onslaught. This week Australia faced its baptism of fire and our leaders showed they are not up to the task of protecting our nation. However, the restraint we have all showed, the peace we have kept, the total lack of attacks on moslems that some stupid lefty thought she could generate fear with through the I will walk with you campaign has proved that we are not like those that seek to divide us....those that have no faith in the Aussie spirit. Even if our leaders are not up to the task, We the People are! As you know, I have stated many times that street demonstrations are a waste of time. But the demonstration in Sydney this Friday is different and it is IMPORTANT. Australians are angry. We need this show of solidarity to warn the moslems that they can never beat the great Aussie spirit. But I urge everyone attending to show our strength in the best possible way. We are not a violent nation. Nor are we weak. That is our strength and what sets us apart from the islamists who seek to destroy us. Evil cannot survive in the face of good people resolved to destroy it and create a kinder, gentler society. Please go in peace. Show the world what Australians are truly like. And if you see the thugs turn up dont succumb to their attempts to generate violence. Im sure the Left, the Greens, the Socialists, and the moslems will be trying their hardest to start trouble. Dont give them that satisfaction. If you see any Patriot getting angry or moving to fight the trouble makers, please restrain them. Dont give the evil ones the satisfaction. Remember....WE ARE ALL AUSTRALIANS! We are all in this together, no matter what our individual political views may be. You will all be there to show that we are ALL AUSTRALIANS. Stay strong. Stay peaceful. Love your fellow man. We WILL win this fight if we are united, and positive! Keep that in mind. We are ONE. We are LEGION. We are AUSTRALIANS! Even though I cant be there to march with you, know that I will be there in spirit with you...as will all decent, patriotic Australians.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 13:14:43 +0000

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