When I started this page, I told myself I would never just post - TopicsExpress


When I started this page, I told myself I would never just post random positive quotes or repost random memes circulating unless they had relevance to my journey and if not relevant then at least useful information that people can gain insight, education or empowerment from. I said this because I feel that the internet has completely diluted the messages behind alot of the positive quotes out there, we are bombarded with them daily to the point where I feel they lose their meaning and potency, mainly due to the fact that there is nothing authentic behind them, instead many are just regurgitated and posted for likes. This is why I also decided I would post things relevant to my journey to give that sense of meaning back. That and because I truly believe you cannot give what you do not have and I dont believe in preaching what I do not practise in my own life. Today is one of those posts: The quote I literally live my life by is a famous quote by Arnold Schwarzenegger, it is my favourite of all types of quotes: The meaning of life is not simply to exist, to survive, but to move ahead, to go up, to achieve, to conquer My journey of moving forward and not existing has caused me to make decisions not in line with the general run of things I am stubborn in my ways and follow my values and beliefs, even when the decision to follow that takes me down a path that hasnt even been mapped out yet. Those paths come with many challenges, feelings of discomfort, fear and judgements. There have been lots of ups and downs and my current path is no different! I am being met with all new levels of the above, even to the point where I have fell off the wagon, lost motivation, sight of the goal and have even been pushed back to the point of existing and surviving. For periods it has literally felt like life is kicking my arse, no matter what direction I go, which, for those that know me is not something I would usually say! I understand that everything that is happening is due to my decisions, my actions, my choices and literally I have created this reality, while I completely acknowledge and take responsibility for that, while I know that this is a test from the universe to see how bad I want it and how one day I will look back on these lessons and be thankful for the experience gained (and any other positive bumper stickers you want to throw at it hahaha), while I know all of these things, it doesnt take away the fact that I still feel like life is literally kicking my arse!! Rather than beating myself up for feeling like that, I accept that is how I am feeling and am now bringing my attention back to the basics: WHO? Who am I/ who do I want to be? WHY? Why am I doing this, the dream? WHAT? What can I do to move from where I am now into where I want to be? I have just stumbled across this video by Arnie again which has literally reinforced the above! By connecting these 6 steps with my WHY, WHO and WHAT, even when I feel as though I am against all odds, when my backs against the wall and when I fail, even if I fail again and again, this process helps me to carry on, to not give up, to keep moving forward, to go up, to achieve, to conquer just as I have always intended! For me, this is real motivation Arnie pops up at all the right times haha Hope this helps others too! Keep moving forward :) Kyle Riley Holistic Lifestyle Coach Here are the 6 steps from the video for those that want them in copy: 1) Trust yourself- No matter how and what anyone else thinks 2) Break the Rules- You cannot be authentic and original if you are too well behaved, think outside the box. What is the point in being on this earth if all you want to do is be liked by everyone and avoid trouble 3) Dont be afraid to fail- You cant always win but dont be afraid of making decisions due to fear of failure. If you are pushing because you believe in yourself and believe in your vision and you know that it is the right thing to do, success will come! 4) Dont Listen to the Naysayers- How many times have you heard you cant do this you cant do that its never been done before Never listen to people who say it cannot be done 5) Work Your Butt Off!!!!!!- You cant climb the ladder of success with your hands in your pocket 6) Give Back- Always find time to give back, reaching out and helping people will bring you more satisfaction than anything else you have ever done!
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 04:14:26 +0000

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