When I tell people about the potential for earnings in this - TopicsExpress


When I tell people about the potential for earnings in this business, very rarely do they believe its possible! So I decided to spend the day with the lady who made the business presentation that I was asked to watch before I joined Forever! Louise joined in April last year, only 16 months ago. I was greeted by a a 29yr old mum of 3. She is a hairdresser, she doesnt have a marketing or sales degree, she just originally wanted to earn an extra £200 a month like everyone does! However, Louise quickly realised what this business can bring if you dare to believe its real and look past the Avon mindset!! 16 months on louise has built her business around her family and salon commitments and tomorrow she moves into her dream home! One that she kindly invited me into. Standing in that house, looking out the window at the huge gardens and beautiful views literally brought tears to my eyes. The reality of what I have my hands on just hit me right there and then! In a years time my children can have this, they too can grow up in a home like this! To have worked for years desperate to build an amazing future and life for my family is actually now achievable and my dreams too can became reality. This business is not about recruiting everyone and taking all their money....I dont take a penny from anyone that joins! The key is being able to put in the work and focus on the goal. To coach every person in your team to achieve theirs! Finding only the people who want it and who are open to changing their life! I already have 22 people from all different backgrounds doing exactly that! They are no different to YOU or me, I have cleaners, nail technicians, shop assistants, radiographers, paediatric sister, hairdressers, stay at home mums, healthcare/ care assistants, students, quality auditors, car sales executives..... We are all programmed to think this lifestyle is too good to be true, it is NOT!! Network marketing is becoming the biggest trend of our time, dont miss out on the opportunity to have all of this and more because you are too scared to dream big! If you want to change your life..... Change your thinking! Thank you Louise Mackenzie for opening my eyes!! Xx
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 11:29:10 +0000

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