When I tell you there are NO coincidences with God regarding the - TopicsExpress


When I tell you there are NO coincidences with God regarding the righteous!!! Here is why: After almost 2 years of driving again I am having to ride the Metro Link to & from work for a few days. At first I considered this a challenge coinciding with all I have been through in the past 47 days of this storm. Nonetheless, in prayer I humbled myself & asked God to show me His purpose for ALL. Thus, yesterday, I ran into a friend of mine in the music ministry, Ms. Brenda Foster (NO DOUBT one of the COLDEST key board players/pianist in the country....whom I also SWEAR is in my head scoring EVERY SINGLE NOTE of the songs I write and ALWAYS manages to play them PERFECTLY), who informed me that she, her sister (my ZANY good gal pal) Ms. Nancy Foster, and our friend/bass guitarist Ed have been in MAD pursuit of me, & were in fact about to come HUNT ME DOWN in East Saint Louis, to ask me to lead in worship at a prayer breakfast next month!!! ME!!!! Lil Ol ME!!!! See....I know to some of you this is no big deal. Its just praise & worship, right??? Well to ME it is PHENOMENAL!!! It is one of the HIGHEST HONORS to fulfill on my path in this journey on earth!!! For you see...Our God has chosen ME for such a time as THIS to EXHORT HIM WITH PRAISE....to go into a place unknown to me & to USHER IN HIS HOLY PRESENCE.....to INITIATE SETTING THE ATMOSPHERE WITH OTHERS!! HE considers ME worthy enough to OPEN THE DOOR OF HIS HOLY PLACE SO THAT HE MAY ENTER IN AND DWELL!!!! Do you know how HONORED I am??? THIS is what the PSALMIST (King David) was chosen to do!!! WOW!!! It is so humbling to know that these BEAUTI-FULL people of God consider me the one who is capable of this duty! Brenda & Ed (and Im sure Nancy as well by now) were ELATED to hear me say YES!!! As Brenda began to elaborate upon the details of this event and how I HAVE TO BE THE ONE....GODS CLEAR CHOICE several occurances in my life [of late] began to make sense to me!!! This would explain so many of the tests, trials, tears, challenges, hills, oppositions, bumps, bruises, & YES even the STRESS that I have had to meet and beat!!! With EVERYTHING I have endured in the past 6 months alone, why WOULDNT He chose me?!?!?!? He KNOWS that I would give Him NOTHING BUT HONEST PRAISE...as I have and do while riding through this storm!!! Lord there ARE NO COINCIDENCES in our lives. For YOU say YOU have ordered our (the righteous mans) steps and YOU KNOW the plans YOU have for us. Plans to prosper us and NOT to harm us. Plans to give us HOPE and a FUTURE (Ps 37:23 & Jer 29:11)!!! Thank you for allowing me to ride the train for this brief season, & for arriving LATE at the station yesterday so that my path would finally cross with Brendas!!! Thank you for DIVINE INTERVENTION & INTERCEPTION!!! Thank YOU for THIS plan....for choosing ME to EXTOLL YOU in and out of season!!! May I live to ALWAYS bring you HONOR!!! #humbled
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 14:05:17 +0000

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