When I think about ACA and the over 10 million people it has - TopicsExpress


When I think about ACA and the over 10 million people it has helped, I cant think about it without thinking about Ronald Reagan and how he tried his best to destroy Medicare. Honestly, the GOP could have taken his old ads out and just replaced the name. The same words, the same bullshit, the same scare tactics. The GOP has been the same since the 60s. Caring for no one but themselves and the military contractors. Everything that has been done to help the average American citizen they have been against. Why do people vote for Republicans, well I guess they are very good at scaring the living shit out of the weak minded. Im going to post a couple of Reagans ads against Medicare and then Im going to post Reagans 1964 speech at the Republican Convention. Im astounded about how he rails about taxes etc, and then he raised them 4 times during his presidency, not only that he expanded the debt larger than any other president in history. Anyone who still considers Reagan to have been a good president, is ignorant and uniformed. Enjoy these and then think about how similar they are to the ads the GOP is putting out now. https://youtube/watch?v=Bejdhs3jGyw https://youtube/watch?v=AYrlDlrLDSQ https://youtube/watch?v=AYrlDlrLDSQ https://youtube/watch?v=MCqA4QhfXHA https://youtube/watch?v=yt1fYSAChxs
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 20:26:40 +0000

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