When I think about Obama and his administration, what comes to - TopicsExpress


When I think about Obama and his administration, what comes to mind is an old saying. I think it was one of the W.C. Fields gems, but I’m not sure on the authorship. “You can fool all of the people some of the time, some of the people all of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.” I paraphrase because I am reciting this from memory. Well, the time has come when a significant number of people in our country are no longer fooled and are infuriated to the point that they are willing to say so. I did not vote for Obama because his high sounding promises that the government would perform miracles without raising taxes on the middle class was preposterous. Miracles cost money and the lower economic classes don’t pay significant income taxes and even if we took everything the rich have, it would only run the Federal Government for a few weeks. And let me remind you that every dollar taken out of the free market economy is a dollar that is not available to pay wages in private enterprise. So, where must the money come from? People who work for living, small business owners, retirees who saved throughout their lives and draw from those savings and retirement funds and like others pay the bills. Even though I didn’t vote for him, I had high hopes for this guy. He said he was going to be the president of inclusion. During the last election campaign, though, he used every tactic to divide us into polarized us into opposing camps, having an epiphany turning out long held beliefs to court one issue minority groups. He promised the most transparent presidency. It has taken nearly five years but we are starting to get a look at Chicago politics at their finest. Never tell the truth if a lie will do, know nothing, use government employees to intimidate political rivals, and by all means the ultimate fall back, “out of control lower level employees did it without my knowledge.” Particularly troubling has been the Obama administration’s willingness to ignore law and parts of the Constitution they find inconvenient. The first amendment under attack was and remains the 2nd. This attack was popular with the news media and anyone who spoke for the rights of Americans guaranteed by it were demonized and plowed under by the popular press. But then the “woops moment” came. Obama was caught with his hands in the 1st amendment cookie jar. Now the shoe is on the other foot and it pinches. Even with the spotlight turned on the administration (if I am audited, I am sure that I will be able just walk away after stating my case and then claiming 5th amendment privilege) and the cockroaches scurrying for cover, I fear that it is too little too late and the damage to our nation is done. There is going to be three more years of this. What can we do to recover from eight years of destruction? I hope someone knows, because I don’t. In closing, why wasn’t help sent to Bengasi and who made the decision?
Posted on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 20:38:48 +0000

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