When I think back to the excruciating pain of bringing you into - TopicsExpress


When I think back to the excruciating pain of bringing you into this world, it doesnt even begin to compare to the agonizing pain I am feeling now. You were my world, my everything. You were the first thing I took care of every morning and you were the last one I tucked in every night before I went to bed. The house is so empty and quiet. I would give anything to hear that stupid vent beep one more time. I am so use to living by the clock. So many different meds at scheduled times, oxygen and heart rate always needing to be checked, feedings needing to be hooked up. I prayed that God would take away your pain and give me the burden to bare, and now that prayer has been answered. I would much rather be going through this pain because it only means one thing….you are no longer suffering. You no longer lay in bed uncomfortable and miserable and in pain. No more long hospital stays, pokes and prodding from needles, surgeries or meds. I can honestly say, I took care of you to the very end….from washing your face in the emergency room, to cutting your hair at the funeral home, to tucking you in and kissing you good bye one last time, to watching over you as we drove to the cemetery, and even watching the men carefully lower you into your eternal home. There are so many people that I would love to thank. The Doctors and Nurses at Memorial Hospital for giving me another 8 months with my son and for doing everything humanly possible to give him the best care that he deserved, to family and friends who have been by my side and helped me keep going and getting up every morning, to the teachers who treated Zachary like he was exactly like the others and part of the class, to everyone who prayed for him to have healing and strength to make it through and supporting him all the way to the end, to all of you who came to his viewing and funeral and paid your respects and reminisced over the past, and many, many others. I Love You SOOOOO Much Zachary Austin Talley!!! You will be missed every second of the day!!! You are now home with grandma and great-grandma and I know they are taking great care of you. Your sisters miss you so much and keep telling funny stories about all of us together. Ethan, your side kick, is at a complete loss and doesnt understand. He keeps asking when you are coming home, keeps telling me he doesnt want you to be gone. I promise you that I will make sure that he never forgets how much he meant to you!!! Til we meet again up among the stars in heaven......
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 06:15:32 +0000

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