When I told Maryna Skliar (my X) to marry me in Seychelles she - TopicsExpress


When I told Maryna Skliar (my X) to marry me in Seychelles she broke up with me soon after as she realised she can’t get Australian residency from me. This is a dramatic love story of mine with her that ended up with worth type of cheating and treazon. I suggest you to read the whole story if you want to know her. It was 27 March 2011 when we met with just a message on social media. “Are you in Brisbane”, I said. “No”, she replied. And my reply and hers again came afterward. The messages were sweet. There was something in those messages encouraging me. A light could be seen for a better future. 1 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours. It cannot be forgotten how nice it was chatting. First time we talked I was driving. I could see she is so shy and worried. It was a real genuine look of desire on her eyes. It sounded hard for Maryna to put her words together. It was because of her English competency, or the impression of talking with me. That was a simple start, but not an easy one. She was in Ukraine and far away. I was in Australia and working fulltime. After her first message, there was a sound telling me this is going be the same. You don’t want to injure your heart. But the feeling was much stronger. Plus, what is wrong if a nice and smart girl comes to Australia! I am going to give it a try. I am sure about myself. I am looking for a genuine person who wants a relationship. She looks like a one. How about a holiday visa to Australia? I will cover your cost here. That was my offer. She accepted. The duration of visa Many times a question comes to my mind about her first visa refusal. She had the option of 3, 6, and 12 months visa request on her application. And her offer was to tick for 3 month. Three month? Do I only want her for three month? That sounded insulting to me and the optimistic view of mine suggested 12. So we would have the option of renewing it for one more year. 2 years would be a good time to know the person. Visa got rejected. That was a very sad day. Although after 4 month of us knowing each other we have not had used the L word (i.e. love) yet, but there was a very strong affection had toward her. Our first call then cannot be forgotten. She was devastated. Very upset. I was thinking how to resolve it. I was dating and having strong feeling toward a person that I have never seen. Moreover she had many reason for me to be suspected, such as having a German X boyfriend that she found online. Why she only looks for boys outside Ukraine. Well based on her explanation Ukrainian boys are weak and lazy. By the way, we were talking after receiving the news of visa rejection. She asked: “what are you going to do?”. “What do you want me to do?”, I replied. “Come and marry me”, She said. Let us picture this situation again. We have 30 years old guy lives in Australia with all social services of a modern country and working full time, and a girl who has tried to escape from Ukraine once in the past with a very limited potentials (not to judge her). Well there is nothing wrong here if there is a love between them but marrying after 4 month chatting on the net without living together and gaining a close understanding of each others life? You as a reader of this story would you accept it? Does the norms of the modern countries would appreciate such a marriage? Also, we were planning to get a visa to have an opportunity to see each other first not marry straight away. I stood against this idea. Surely even men who have a negative view toward marriage have once considered it. Not saying I did not want to marry, But I say I want to live with my partner before marry. Well, I was loyal to her for that long. I believed that she did not have many ideas about Australia and that is the reason of bringing this suggestion. She was only 25 and not even late for having baby. We had a short hiccup at that time. And she was convinced not to insist on marriage provided we try again but stronger. I had a ring ordered for her, changed my job, and bought a house. Put more finance into our application. Ticked the duration for 3 month. She also changed her job and made more money for the application. But there was something different this time. I loved her. I really loved her. She was saying she does too. But I really loved her and wanted her. I was working really hard on the renovation of house and preparing for her arrival but second visa was rejected. It was a year since we were in a relationship but not has met each other. Ok let’s meet somewhere else. Malaysia became the best option. It was such a fascinating experience for me to see my partner after 14 month waiting. She was beautiful and tall and humble. We had a lovely time in those limited days. The first day was a bit challenging. But she was really good. It could be because I was not with any woman for a long time. Or it could be because I was with my love. She asked, “Do you love me?” and I replied “I do” and she said I love you too… Main Story Malaysia was not all good when I look at it now. She has showed an inflexible and not understanding character of herself there. One of her big fight was with a waiter about her lemonade drink. She was awful for me at that time. “Why my lemonade has water too?” I am not sure how real lemonade should taste, but it was so nice to me. Poor waiter was shocked. He was very polite man trying to do his job in the best way and just happened not to have the type of drink that she would desire. It made me think what she will do in our life? That was a minor issue but caused anger and anguished on her mood that night. Regurgitating stories of buying ring, visiting the tower and few more did not come to my consideration, as I was believed that she is my partner and I should cope with it. We went back home and as we planned we were waiting for my permanent residency to be granted so we can apply for fiancée visa. It was around July 2012 when things went wrong. Again she asked for marriage. I reminded her that is important for both of us to live together in advance, but she could not understand and was nagging like a child. I said look I am yours, we have planned the visa, we were supposed to apply for visa 300. I am happy to come and meet you again and again till the time passes, but she were strongly insisting on marriage. “No I can’t, I don’t want to be forced into marriage”, I said and she refused. I believe I have done the only mistake of mine in that relationship. And that was asking for separation at that time. But it took me only two days to realise it. I called her back. I begged for pardon. I said you were stressing me. I said I am still purely yours and have not been with anyone. She accepted my apology and we were back together. But things were changed. Cheating was started. It is not clear for me when she started to cheat. She said at that night but she had other guy in USA with very intimate and blundering messages that does not match any relationship for a whole duration of our relationship. It took me two month to realize that She has been talking with a guy in UK. During that two month she was preparing for her new job in Seychelles and also I funded the third application for holiday visa to Australia, which failed again. Here cheating came to my close understanding when she asked for separation. She had her visa to Seychelles and she had a new secret lover and she did not need me anymore. What a real love she was promoting to me. It was absolutely hard for me to believe it. From that time till 6 month later that she again asked for final separation it took 6 month of hell for me. Every week something new came to my underrating something to be upset. And made me more and more sad about it. This is a really hard part of story for me. It is involve many and many stressing nights that I have passed for it. In one hand I loved her and I truthfully wanted to bring her to Australia and on the other hand I caught her with a guy in UK and a guy in USA while she was in relationship with me. Before I continue the story I may remind something. It might sound very absurd to have long distance relationship. But we (better to say I) had one. Currently there is unbelievable number of 21,000 messages, which are including many long messages on our Facebook. Also our Skype account would be similar number although she has deleted all of it to ensure I cannot see her love messages to other guys. I go to Seychelles. Well, human make mistake. She made a terrible mistake cheating too. In one hand she cheated on me and on the other hand she did it with people that implies I am only a tool like other two guys to get into Australia. But still she was my partner. So I went to Seychelles with the intentions of sorting out things in person. I was telling myself that she could be regret about her past confess to her wrong doing with a sincere and apologised heart and we will continue or she may persist on her game and ruin my relationship. By the way I had to find out. Seychelles is a beautiful country. Lots of lovely sceneries can be found there although it is really small. Generally cannot compare it with any other country I have ever been. Not a place to live for long. First day was good. There I realised Maryna is a person that does not need anyone to help her at all. She can perfectly live on her own. Again I was a witness of her massive anger and fight with her housemate regarding something (I think use of washing machine). Well, the conversation was all in Russian so I cannot say what they were saying. But yea, she can scream really laud. I had a very important talk with her in Seychelles that will be always in my mind. There was an opportunity to talk face to face. I wanted to go over the past. She has admitted all the cheating. I have seen many of her messages to her lovers. But now she is regret. She wanted to change. She made me a lovely pillow, which took her many weeks to make. And she was showing it to me the progression. So we were sitting on the bed in one of our very comfortable mood. She was lying on her side and I was lying on my side facing toward her. She was telling me how she was upset and stressed at the time she started with others. She had the most real face. Her words were like verses from God. All sounded legitimate and true. All sounded sincere and correct. Then I asked her a question regarding her affairs. She followed the exact same mood and sincere face and looked into my eyes and LIED. OOOH, no. Maryna, why do you need lies any more? Every truth is disclosed. I know everything and I have forgiven you. That is why I am here. What is the point? “White lie” she replied with smirk. And me, sigh…. All I wanted to do was taking my bag and leave. But I did not. Again her apologies and my not including this matter. But I said apply for fourth visa and I will be back here in 3, or 4 month we see how it goes. It was a really sad departure. She was crying with sorrow. I could hold myself till I board on the aircraft. On 4th Dec 12 While I was flying to Dubai I could remember everything, all the experiences and memories and messages that we had since March 2011. I had a sad face and wet eyes. It was hard to hide it. But the sadness was not because I am leaving my partner there. It was because I knew something was not right. It was not a successful trip to me. Now she lives in a terrible condition and place and she needs to leave it. The lie I caught from her was heavy. Is she a trustworthy person? That is ok. I try to do the right thing. The case is. I loved her. She cheated on me, not by sleeping with someone else but by establishing a strong love affair with one guy and promising to the other one. I could not bring her to Australia and marry because there would be a question forever if she came for Australia! And we should not stay apart longer. So what can I do? Before I write my solution, just a little about myself. I am a person who came to Australia with work visa and around $3000 and worked to save money and get student visa, finished a degree and applied to become an 885-visa holder (i.e. independent skilled migrant). I have worked a lot in Australia and Australia has given me many things. I have many reasons to love my country and do understand how hard it is to be eligible to become an Australian. Recently I have acquired the formal notification of attaining the permanent residency. Moreover I work in a highly professional IT job. Well, Maryna might be very good in lying, but she is not the best in computers. Early this year I found her in dating website. This time I was not very upset. I have been through much stress in the past so there is not much point of being stress again. I said if you like to go with them go. She made more excuses of the account being old, email saying she was logged in was made by error, and swearing on bible that she did not login to it. Of course the fact that she is not a religious person was in my mind. But, that is ok. I believe you. But the solution came to my mind. If I cannot be happy to bring her to Australia, I should go to her. It was all her dream to marry me. So I said “I am happy to marry you there”. It was all her dream to live with me. So I would be there, right beside her. As she was saying that she wants that. Plus I am giving away something that is so important for me just for her and for our relationship, which is my country. Doing this logically should make both of us happy. I have received enormous objections from my family. What? You want to leave Australia and move to Seychelles? For whom? A cheater? Yes they were right. I needed to resign form my job; leave my University and house and head of to her. But, that was my decision. I asked her to give me a time till max July so I can sort out these things and move out. Also since she was so upset with the fact I am not beside her, I have promised her to come over on March for our 2nd year anniversary. Down to the last days, Without Australia I worth and meant nothing to her. So it took her only 2 to 3 weeks to make sure I am determent on my decision and broke up with a message. I tried to call her as soon as I saw the message but no answer. Ok, nearly 2 years of my life thinking and hopping was wasted. Not completely wasted as I had love. But love toward a person who cheated and betrayed on me as soon as she realised there would be no Australia. Recently she said if I wanted to get residency I would mingle with a formal citizen on the first place, surely if she had that option she would. Not old men but there are losers would be happy doing it. Exchanging residency with bedding with her. Which was less than average by the way. Generally she is good to be in relationship with, but surely she wants a benefit from her marriage. Her love you never sounded genuine to me. I can remember in Seychelles I passionately call her and said the L word as she was walking out of house, and she replied with the most spiritless L word ever. Although she has wounded my heart by having a wrong intention in our relationship, I am not writing this to insult her. In fact I write this, firstly because that is a true story of my life and second of all would be a lesson for maybe other not to fall into the trap of her curvy hair with blue eyes or seeing her many explicit photos as I have. It is good to mention that she is not much smart. One of many examples can be not understanding that a person from Australia would not be satisfied residing in Seychelles forever. What could be wrong if she could keep the good faith with her partner and marry him as she wished and love him and live with him there for a while till both would move out of Seychelles? No she could not do that. She needed a certain understanding of a proper country in advanced. At the end, based on my experiences, I would like to mention that if someone wants to establish a relationship with her, surely he would realize her many negative mentalities or better to say signs of illnesses, which can be tolerated, but he would be fool marrying a person who just needs your residency. If you have any questions or would like to get more evidence for any parts of this story, or if you have any objections, please do not hesitate to contact me. By: A genuine lover of Maryna, while she was just interested in my country.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 22:21:56 +0000

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