When I walked Under the Law and painfully obeying Religious - TopicsExpress


When I walked Under the Law and painfully obeying Religious demands, everyone called me Spiritual, but now that I walk like Jesus did in Love and Grace towards the misfits, everyone calls me Backslidden, Confused, Apostatical. Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.-(2 Timothy 3:12). (see Philippians 1:29-30 too). Jesus was called Friend of Sinners, A Demon, A Glutton, A Liar, A Wine Bibber..etc. Paul was called Weak, A Fool, A False Apostle..etc All blessings in disguise though. By Grace, Im out here chesting bullets fired by the Pharisees, just to be with those who truly need Grace. Though I aint perfect, my life may be the only opportunity theyll ever have to experience the God I preach, the Grace I teach, and Jesus who died to outstretch Gods reach. Dear believer, the Christian life, is God living all over again through you (Gal 2:20), like He did through Christ. Dig this, God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself, NOT IMPUTING THEIR TRESPASSES TO THEM, and has committed to us the Word of Reconciliation-(2 Corinth 5:19). What Hope does one have in your acquaintance? To beat them with judgements, or to feed them with Grace? You tell me. Bcos Romans 2:4 says The Goodness of God leads people to True Repentance. Dont let the stones of Pharisees stop you from expressing Gods love. We read the Bible, thats fine, but your life may be the only Bible someone will ever read. You are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read by all men.-(2 Corinth 3:2). This is what God told me, When men talk, theyre just validating your Grace walk. Call me whatever you want, all that matters is, He calls me BELOVED.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 09:16:06 +0000

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