When I walked through the gates of our childrens home, the first - TopicsExpress


When I walked through the gates of our childrens home, the first person to spot was an extremely beautiful girl! I had invited the community to help us put a concrete floor, a real backbreaking job! So the last person you expect on such a day is a fine and well polished girl! She had never met me and only knew of the home through her parents that had turned into real friends and supporters as they admired the work that we were doing, transforming the former street children into champions. When I shook her hand, I knew she was not like any other girl that I had ever met! I liked her! I later watched how she blended with these children from a far, and knew she had a complimentary aspect to me! This was not the girl that you just let go, one who waters your livestock as was the case with Isaac in the bible. Four years later, I proudly walked this pretty, humble and adorable songbird down the isle, witnessed by hundreds of family and friends and probably a some disappointed ones who wished they could be the ones! Life has never been the same, as my rough side was completely fleshed with a tender soul. Yes, He who finds a wife finds a good thing indeed and obtains favour from the Lord! I did and more! You have been an amazing girl through these years! Your analytical mind and calculating and planning strengths have really balanced my risk taking side! You are more than I could have asked for in many aspects! Happy anniversary Vayo Wa Mutahi!
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 11:05:10 +0000

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