When I was 15 or 16 years old I had my first car. It was a sporty - TopicsExpress


When I was 15 or 16 years old I had my first car. It was a sporty flashy looking car that any 15 year old would love to have. It was metallic brown with two white racing stripes the entire length of the car and had a black hood scoop on it that made it look powerful. One day after dropping a friend off at his house and waiting on him to call so we could go do what we did at the time...I parked my car on our drive and went in to lift some weights. As I was lifting around a hundred lbs or so my mom happened to look out the window and all I heard was Oh Henry, someone has evidently backed their car into the Halls carport and it looks like they have knocked the entire wall of the carport down. Knowing that there were always a lot of kids there with a smirk on my face I thought Wow how stupid can you be to knock someones carport down with your car, right? I continued lifting. Then on the rest of my chest with the bar...the weights got a little heavier as I heard my mom say, Henry, that looks like your car. Before I could set the weights down, again I heard her say Henry that is your car. I literally threw the weights down on the floor from chest high running up the hallway to see if she was telling the truth. Sure enough my brake had failed to hold on the car and it had rolled down the little incline of our drive and had come to rest in entirely the wrong way in the Halls carport. My car looked like it had been in a tornado zone as well as their wall. Ive never really heard a sailor curse but I suppose at the time that I would have won first prize as I ranted and raved around my poor car sitting the wrong way in a carport wall with bricks and holes all over the body of it. As all this was happening I looked up to see Momma Dot and King Louie as we called them, coming down the drive to survey the damage. Dad was in bed until he heard the weights land on the floor so he was busy putting his robe on as he walked down. As I cursed like a sailor, ranted and raved, it was a wonder one of them didnt call me down for it for that was normally prohibited in our home, my mom says oh Henry you ran all over Mrs Halls beautiful flowers. Well my cursing elevated and Michael Jordan had never jumped so high when I heard her say that. I continued to jump up and down saying to her Wht the f are you carazy Momma....my car is totaled and Ive knocked half of the Halls house down and you are worried about some gd flowers.What the hell is wrong with you? Dad wanted to whip me down I know but he was trying to hard not to laugh about what he had just seen. Looking back I realize that my mom in her wisdom saw my pain and it wasnt the importance of the flowers at all that she was revealing rather it was her way of telling me to change my focus. We all from time to time experience pain in our lives. We can make it much worse or we can handle it in a much better way. To my friends out there ,if you experience a pain, a hurt of any kind, look to the beauty of what live and God gives and has given in all things. It may only take a little change of focus to give you an inner peace on anything. Thanks for the lesson mom even though I didnt understand it at the time. I will always cling to it.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 16:56:49 +0000

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