When I was a child, people respected the Red, White, and Blue. - TopicsExpress


When I was a child, people respected the Red, White, and Blue. Not the flag itself, which had changed time and again throughout history as more states became a part of the great nation known as America, but to the principles that these colors proclaimed proudly for the world to see. Separately, they had strong meanings. Red for the blood of the valorous, White for the purity of law attained by their sacrifice, and the steadfast blue of resolve – as endless as the ocean against tide against those who would stand against us. We were so brazen as to steal the stars from the skies to place upon our nation’s flag, for truly, each satellite state saw that our goals should be as lofty as the infinite heavens above. Together – the Red, White, and Blue meant Liberty - a freedom that we so strongly believed that we had its colors emblazoned on more than flags, but on our collective souls. My America was proud of what we’d fought for and achieved. We had placed a man on the moon, and those colors followed his steps. How could we go wrong? “Even under the best forms of government, those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.” Thomas Jefferson warned following the liberation of America from the tyranny of King George, and how prophetic those words were to become – though to be fair, there is nothing slow about the operations currently challenging our Liberty. It’s hard to say when it first began. Some say, and rightly so, that the Federal Reserve was the start of the biggest push against Freedom. Some say it goes as far back as to when Lincoln violated the Constitution to destroy the Southern vision of slavery for the Northern version. Some even say that the declaration of corporations as people – complete with rights - was the beginning of the end. What we do know is that many tools were used to take Freedom from the common heritage. The assassin’s bullet was one of the first tools of those who dared challenge to destroy our Freedom. Denying the lives of activists who stood for it, and even Presidents – including one the most unabashed leaders to cry out the song of Liberty and remind us of the personal responsibility required to maintain it. “Ask not what your country can do for you,” he challenged, “But what you can do for your country.” The assassin’s bullet that silenced that kind of voice was the start of a sweeping change in the American experience. And a new kind of dialog began. One about getting all you can: Competition instead of cooperation. Words of equality and unity were suppressed. The few who stood up to remind us of our precious gift of Freedom, and our duties to it, were silenced as well. And while some small victories were won, here and there – as they always will be to perpetuate the illusion of Freedom – the greater battle to erode those Liberties came into full swing, but not with the mailed fist of a tyrant, but in the silken glove of a thief in the night. I could detail the many atrocities that those in power have done – stealing jobs to transplant them overseas, selling our infrastructure to enemy nations, and perpetuating a litany of ills in an ever-accelerating assault on our supposedly untouchable Constitutional Rights, but I am sure to those who care about our nation, such descriptions are unneeded. You could add your own personal experiences as examples of the work of these burglars who preyed upon the American soul. These tragedies all played a part in what has come, but none of these evils compares to how the government corrupted the collective perception of the people they are supposed to serve. They have changed how most people see and think of the Red, White, and Blue. And this is the most insidious plan they have successfully pulled off, because it hits at our fundamental view of what Freedom means, and how it is supposed to function. Red and Blue are no longer the colors conjoined to ensure Freedom and Peace, but instead have been hijacked by the prominent political bodies to represent corporate whores who advocate an unconstitutional seizure of power – and have successfully used propaganda to convince the populace that they are ideologically opposed – creating a division between those who granted them power in the first place. Red and Blue have been twisted to create enemies of fellow citizens along political divides which (at the end of the day) are utterly fabricated. Right and Left offer the same collectivist solutions, support the same corporate rule that we find ourselves mired in, and other than a few issues of what moral flavor of tyranny they support are essentially the same. Both support taxation, both support wars, both fund terrorists who have openly declared war upon us in the sake of protecting corporate interests, and both approve of unconstitutionally spying on not only us, but our supposed allies – in the name of protecting us, and yet with all of this intelligence, they managed to completely miss the Boston Bombing even though the FBI had been watching the suspects for up to 5 years. White no longer represents purity, but instead – privilege and racial persecution. This effort has been so successful that in the recent Trayvon Martin murder case, that a person of Hispanic heritage has been cast as White – and the issue of race has been hammered to the point that riots and murder will be the inevitable outcome if his killer is not found guilty of murder in the first degree. They’ve taken the stars from us. The dreams of going to the moon, much less Mars seem like dreams that won’t be imagined for generations to come as we deal with a self-created financial crisis that is the equivalent of perpetual economic war. The stars have become impossibly distant in the clamor to bail out banks that are too big to fail, while allowing the average homeowner and worker to fall into the deep abyss of debt. The only thing of our flag they have left were the stripes… and those in black and white. Prison Industries are a real thing. They trade stock on Wall Street, enjoy political privilege, and they ensure the largest captive population on the planet is incapable of seeking meaningful contributions to society – often for crimes as trivial as telling the truth. Whistleblowers are the new terrorist threat to our government, and Obama has made great strides in attacking them through the media – which for all intents and purposes is just another branch of government propaganda. Americas eyes have been marred – its heart scarred – and its soul crushed. The average citizen sees daily horror, injustice, and tyranny - and is impassive to wrongdoing as a cow on its way to slaughter – though most will get quite upset if you threaten their illusions of comfort. Americans are subject to divisive rifts and feelings of hopelessness. How could they possibly unite to overcome oppression and tyranny? We have become more afraid and angry at one another than of the tyrants in Washington who have set us upon one another. America’s time as a nation is short, save a miracle. A dear friend of mine from Romania asked me in utter seriousness today, “Why haven’t you overthrown those crooks in charge, yet? Not only have they illegally spied on you – but they’ve spied on your allies – and my people as well.” His countrymen had recently dragged a corrupt leader from his office in the middle of session and threatened him of a lynching if he returned. He didn’t. The official who took his place was a lot more considerate of his people. To him, this kind of Liberty is expected of every citizen when the government forgets its place. I had to choke back tears of revulsion as I replied, “American’s are too comfortable. They are too lazy or disinterested to get out of their chairs and do something.” But I thought to myself, “I’ll be damned if I let the Red, White, and Blue go down without a fight. Even if it’s uncomfortable, I can do something. I can act. Even if it’s a small gesture, at least it is something.” I beg of you who read this. Don’t let Liberty die on the vine because of the acts of a criminal government gone rogue. Fight for it in any way you can. Even if we can’t save this ailing nation, we can preserve the colors and the principles upon which a great nation was founded. Pledge to hold on to those things which are right and not granted by government, but graced upon us by birth. And pledge to undermine the actions of those who would dare take those essential liberties away. Molon Labe! Numquam desistas. Numquam tradere!
Posted on: Thu, 04 Jul 2013 01:36:47 +0000

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