When I was a kid growing up in San Antonio, Texas, my mother would - TopicsExpress


When I was a kid growing up in San Antonio, Texas, my mother would forbid me to speak Spanish for fear that it would affect me negatively at school, and I was always reminded to act like a man! I was a strange kid that didnt fit in anywhere, even with my own family. I spent my time alone reading books, constructing toy buildings, creating art, and living in my own imaginary world in which I was OK. My father was Anglo, and my mother Mexican, and on top of that I was gay, but only I knew that fact. I remember how difficult it was having to endure the taunting remarks from kids at school, while having to deal with an extended family that always made holiday gatherings very uncomfortable with their mockingly perennial Do you have a girlfriend yet? question. I was terrified of them finding out who I really was. Times have changed since then, but the hobgoblins of bigotry and prejudice are alive and well. For those of you quoting scripture, talking about the need to protect the small business owner, or family values, remember one thing: No matter how you spin it, discrimination IS WRONG, and history will prove YOU WRONG when your memory and your words are left on the ash heap of history. I support the Human Rights Ordinance because I remember those days, and because its the right thing to do. Thanks to those of you who spoke in favor of justice today at Houston City Council. Your words will be remembered for a very long time.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Apr 2014 23:33:57 +0000

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