When I was diagnosed with lung cancer, I never thought I would see - TopicsExpress


When I was diagnosed with lung cancer, I never thought I would see 1 year, and it has now been almost 3 1/2 years. Even better, today marks 36 years of being married to my sweetheart, soul mate, and loving best friend. After a total of 9 months of long-distance dating (I lived in Atlanta; Don lived in Charleston and then Savannah), we decided to get married. I found a job in Savannah and turned in my two-week notice at Emory University Hospital. I packed up my worldly belongings - which all fit in my 1973 Buick Skylark, with room to spare :) The next morning, we went to the courthouse to get married. I got cold feet on the way there; Don was such a kind, loving, caring guy; I was afraid he wasnt for real. He was patient and asked if I wanted to think about it. I said, No, lets just go ahead and get it over with! I am sure that gave him lots of confidence in me! :) We had no witnesses, as Georgia law didnt require it, and both of our families lived far away (Louisville, KY, and Des Moines Iowa). My two great roommates in Atlanta (Peggy Winney aka Peg-leg and Teresa Segars aka Squirrel-bait) wanted to come, but we wanted to keep it very simple. After applying for the marriage license, we met Chatham County Municipal Court Judge, who would marry us. We watched as his assistant punched out the ceremony in Braille - he was blind! So...we truly had no witnesses! Our total wedding costs were $0.25 for the parking meter, $25.00 for the marriage license, and the gratuity for the judge - probably another $25.00. We headed out in Dons full-sized van for Disney World for our honeymoon. Oh, yeah, Don was driving on a revoked license (from traveling with the FAA and failing to keep a current address on file with the state license bureau - he found out when we tried to add him to my auto insurance!) Here we are 36 years later, to have and to hold, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part. It has been a wonderful 36 years, and Don did turn out to be for real - even nicer than he appeared at the beginning. I have never in 36 years heard him even raise his voice! He takes care of me and goes through my struggles with me - I am the luckiest girl on the face of the earth!
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 23:06:57 +0000

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