When I was first approached with this promotion, I was surprised. - TopicsExpress


When I was first approached with this promotion, I was surprised. Not because I believed I didnt deserve it, but because it was *actually* being given to me. By that, I mean: It is so rare that a company actively rewards its employees for hard work and dedication that the offer left me a bit stunned. In fact, I laughed in my disbelief during the meeting. I have slaved away in different communications-related roles over the course of my career with no upward mobility in sight, and positions like those left me stifled and creatively stagnant. I am the sort of individual who constantly craves new and creative challenges, and to express my gratitude over actually earning and being given the opportunity to grow and learn in a new role while also being surrounded by a team I genuinely care about is ... Well. I cant just say thank you and have that be that. I want to be specific. I want to be purposeful in my thanks and deliberate in my gratitude. So... 1.) Thank you, SKULLY, for recognizing my sometimes self-destructive dedication to and passion for the company, and for providing one of those rare working environments that gets me excited to come in every day. 2. Thank you to my team for being so [cursing adjective] BRILLIANT. I cannot BELIEVE the power-players I have the good fortune of working alongside, and it excites me to contribute my skills to a team whose range of abilities has absolutely earned my faith and loyalty. 3.) Thank you, SKULLY, for being a company that actually rewards hard work, cares about the state of internal culture, and has upper management that actually gives a sh*t about the people busting their asses to make the company what it is. 4.) Thank you, SKULLY, for being an active participant in reminding me how valuable I am every single day. That level of appreciation goes a *long* way, and to say I am grateful for what seems to be unending appreciation and encouragement is an understatement. 5.) Just, thank you. I guess selling my 3-day ticket to Outside Lands, missing out on Burning Man 2014, completely screwing up my sleeping schedule + breaking out in full-body hives after Germany, and sleeping over at the office just to make sure our campaign ran smoothly paid off. Ha! But seriously. Thank you, SKULLY, for this opportunity. I am looking forward to bringing even more to the table in my new role, and you can bet I am eager to exceed expectations further. And to everyone else NOT on Team SKULLY reading this: Seriously. Were hiring. ;) SKULLYSYSTEMS/careers
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 02:54:17 +0000

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